Statistics Canada's official release bulletin
The Daily is Statistics Canada's official release bulletin, the Agency's first line of communication with the media and the public. The Daily issues news releases on current social and economic conditions and announces new products. It provides a comprehensive one-stop overview of new information available from Statistics Canada.
Release times
The Daily is released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time each working day with the exception of data from the Labour Force Survey and the Consumer Price Index, which are available at 7 a.m. The Daily has been published since 1932, and posted on the Web since June 1995.
Given that Ministers' comments on information released by Statistics Canada can have repercussions on financial markets, it has been deemed essential that a few key federal officials have advance access to a small number of economic statistics on the afternoon before their release.
Learning resources
Using the Statistics Canada Daily to write a newspaper-style article.
Media inquiries
For media inquiries, please dial (613) 951-4636 or send an email to mediahotline@statcan.ca.
Copyright and permissions
Citation in newsprint, magazine, radio and television is permitted, subject to the acknowledgement of Statistics Canada as the source. Any other reproduction is permitted, subject to the requirement that Statistics Canada be acknowledged as the source on all copies as follows: Statistics Canada, The Daily, catalogue number 11-001-XIE, date and page references (if applicable).
The Daily is published under the authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
Minister of Industry, 2003. ISSN 0827-0465.
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