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Government of Canada - Department of Finance
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Financial Institutions

- General - Canada's Financial Sector - Corporate Governance - Government Financial Markets Activities - Trade in Financial Services - Treasury EvaluationsRelated Links -

The Department deals with issues affecting federal financial institutionsbanks, for trust and loan and insurance companies, credit unions, pension plans, and all of their respective clients. 

  • We develop the rules and regulations that govern the institutions so they remain safe and sound and are responsive to consumers’ needs. 
  • We conduct analysis of the many ways in which the financial sector is changing both in Canada and abroad. 
  • We also help ensure that Canada has an effective  regime to combat money laundering and the financing of  terrorism.
  • We manage the debt and international reserves of the Government of Canada, in conjunction with the Bank of Canada, and we provide policy advice on activity in the domestic capital markets.

We work closely with other agencies, including the 


* Capital Markets Report
* Government of Canada Securities: quarterly update
* Government of Canada Treasury Risk Management Framework
* Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of Canada, Canada Investment and Savings, and the Department of Finance – Retail Debt Program
* Memorandum of Understanding on Treasury Risk Management between the Bank of Canada and the Department of Finance
* Post -September 11th: initiatives in the financial sector
* Treasury Management Governance Framework

Canada's Financial Sector

* 2006 Financial Institutions Legislation Review: Proposals for an Effective and Efficient Financial Services Framework
Fact Sheets:
n  Canada's Banks (Updated August 2002)
n  Canada's Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires (Updated March 2003)
n  Canada's Life and Health Insurers (Updated September 2002)
n  Canada’s Mutual Fund Industry
n  The Canadian Financial Services Sector
n  The Canadian Securities Industry (Updated January 2005)
n  Financial Institutions Renew their Commitment to Provide Low-Cost Accounts (July 2003)
n  Property and Casualty Insurance in Canada. (Updated October 2003)
n  Strengthening Venture Capital in Canada
- Previous Fact Sheets -

For more information, see News Release 2001-014 (Government Reintroduces Legislation to Create New Policy Framework for Financial Services Sector).
Payments System: 
n  The Payments System in Canada (Payments System Working Group)
n  Payments System Review Discussion Paper (July 1998)
* Reforming Canada's Financial Services Sector (June 25, 1999).
See Bill C-8 for legislation reforming the financial services sector (entry into force October 24, 2001)

Corporate Governance

* Fostering Investor Confidence in Canadian Capital Markets (June 8, 2006)
* New Measures to Deter Capital Markets Fraud: 

Government Financial Markets Activities


Government of Canada Lending Rates
* Government of Canada Cash Management
* Government of Canada Securities
Official International Reserves:
n  Report on the Management of Canada’s Official International Reserves
n  Official International Reserves (monthly news release)

Statement of Investment Policy (September 2006)

n  Investment and Credit Guidelines for the Exchange Fund Account (June 2004)

Trade in Financial Services

* Consultation Paper for the World Trade Organization - Negotiations on Financial Services (May 26, 2000)
* Initial WTO Negotiating Proposal on Financial Services (March 2001)
* 1997 WTO Agreement on Financial Services (Updated June 2000)
* WTO Agreement on Financial Services: the Canadian perspective on the General Agreement on Trade in Services - financial services (updated June 7, 2000)

Treasury Evaluation Program

* Treasury Evaluation Program Framework
n Evaluation of the Exchange Fund Account
n  Report on the Evaluation of the Receiver General Cash Management Program
n  Review of Borrowing Framework of Major Federal Government-Backed Entities
n  Governance Evaluation: Debt & Reserves Management
n  Review of Canada Savings Bonds

Related Links

* An Act to establish the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and to amend certain Acts in relation to financial institutions (Statutes of Canada 2001 - Parliamentary WWW site)
* Canadian Economy Online
* Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering Consultations - Review of the FATF 40  Recommendations
* Financial Sector (HotLinks)
* Government Securities & Savings Bonds (Bank of Canada)
* Report on the Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Industry in Canada and covering letter from Superintendent Nick Le Pan (PDF format)
* Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector
* Wise Persons' Committee

Last Updated: 2006-11-27


Important Notices