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Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
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Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Public Service Emplyee Survey 2005
Public Service Emplyee Survey 2005
Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan
Public Service Modernization Portal


Navigation elements
Tips for Searching
Accessibility and Access Keys
Contact information

Our Web site has been designed to provide you with different ways to find information on the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency Canada (PSHRMAC) Web site. Consistent top and side navigation elements will assist you in finding the information and services we offer.

Navigation Elements

Top Navigation

English or Français
By selecting the language button, the equivalent content will be offered in the other official language.

Contact Us
Links to the PSHRMAC contact information by e-mail, telephone, facsimile or mail.

Links to this help page.

Links to the agency's full-text search engine.

Canada Site
Links to the main Web site for the Government of Canada, located at http://canada.gc.ca/.

What's New
Lists the most recently published or updated documents on the site. 

About Us
Displays information about the the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada, its mission and mandate. 

Links to the list of PSHRMAC policies and related documents.

Site Map
Displays a visual model of the PSHRMAC site's content. 

Links to the home page.

Side Navigation

Tips for Searching

Our Tips for Searching page has been designed to provide you with easy shortcuts and advice on how to search for information on our site.

Accessibility and Access Keys

You can go directly to the start of the top navigation menu bar by selecting the "Access or Alt" key and the "M" key and then selecting "Enter". You can then tab through the menu items (e.g. tab once to go to the language button, tab twice to go to the "Contact Us" button).

You can skip the top navigation menu bar and go directly to the side navigation menu by selecting the "Access or Alt" key and the "1" key and then selecting "Enter". You can then tab through the menu items available.

You can skip both the top navigation and side navigation menus and go directly to the content of the page by selecting the "Access or Alt" key and the "2" key and then selecting "Enter".

Contact Information

If you are experiencing difficulties while browsing or navigating the PSHRMAC site, please contact us by:

E-mail: hr-info-rh@hrma-agrh.gc.ca