This page offers access to information of direct interest to all Government
of Canada employees.
Each topic listed below leads to a complete set of links on that topic; the most
relevant are highlighted for quick access.
Here, you have single-window access to the activities of the Public Service
Human Resources Management Agency of Canada that are of practical use to federal
Because we know your concerns extend beyond the Agency’s mandate, we also
offer links to other federal departments and agencies that have information you
Classification: Information on the modernization of the government’s
job classifications system, including links to classification standards, the new
occupational group structure, FAQs and guidelines on reclassification.
Official Languages: Links to language policies and tools, including
information on language training and language testing.
Employment Equity: Information on employment equity and diversity
policies and tools, including the Embracing Change Action Plan, funding and
self-identification for Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and persons with
Values and Ethics: Behaviour standards for federal employees,
including the Values and Ethics Code, whistleblowing, conflict of interest and
political neutrality.
You and Your Workplace: Information
on awards, employee assistance, conflict resolution, health and safety policies,
harassment and well-being in the workplace, including such things as day care,
fitness and workplace flexibility programs.
How to advance your career:
Information on the Canada School of Public Service, career development,
training, coaching, mentoring, assessments and learning, plus job notices.
Modernization: Information on the
modernization of hiring practices and labour relations happening under the
framework of the Public Service Modernization Act and related
Terms of Employment and Pay:
Information on collective agreements, rates of pay and other terms of
Employee benefits: Information on
benefits, leave, pensions and insurance, including access to claims forms.
Leave: Information on leave policies,
including access to recent changes in leave policy in collective agreements and Public
Service Employment Act regulations.
Your Bargaining Agents: Links to
major labour unions and professional associations, as well as Treasury Board
negotiation updates.