A | B | C
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H - I - J
harmonized sales tax (HST) (taxe
de vente harmonisée (TVH)).
A single harmonized value-added tax
that replaced the provincial retail sales taxes and the federal goods
and services tax (GST) in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland
and Labrador. It is applied at a single rate of 14 per cent on the same
basis as the GST. For more information, visit the Canada Revenue Agency Goods and
Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Web page.
hedge (opération
de couverture).
A transaction intended to reduce the risk of loss from price
holding company (société
de portefeuille).
A company that has control over other companies through
ownership of a sufficient proportion of those companies' common stock.
income (revenu).
The money and other benefits flowing to individuals, firms and other
groups. For the purposes of the personal
income tax, income is specifically defined to exclude certain types of
income, such as an amount received from a life insurance policy following
someone's death. Income includes wages, interest,
dividends, realized capital gains,
private and public pension payments, rents, royalties, net business income
and self-employment income. For more information, visit the Canada
Revenue Agency Web site. See also family income; investment
income; net income; personal
income; savings rate; taxable
income; total income.
income testing (critère
de revenu).
Income-testing occurs when the level of a benefit is based on the
recipient's income level. As net
income rises, income-tested benefits, such as the age
credit, decrease. For example, if net income rises from $29,000 to
$30,000, the amount of the age credit received will be lower by about
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
(Programme d'aide à la recherche
industrielle (PARI)).
IRAP promotes the diffusion of technology and is a valuable national
program for small businesses. For more information, visit the National
Research Council of Canada IRAP
Web page.
inflation (inflation).
The average rate of increase in prices. When economists speak
of inflation as an economic problem, they generally mean a persistent
increase in the general price level over a period of time, resulting in a
decline in a currency's purchasing power. Inflation is usually measured as a
percentage increase in the consumer price index
(CPI). Canada's inflation target, as set out by the federal government and
the Bank of Canada, aims to keep inflation
within a range of 1 to 3 per cent. If the rate of inflation is 10 per
cent a year, $100 worth of purchases last year will, on average, cost $110
this year. At the same inflation rate, those purchases will cost $121 next
year, and so on. For more information, visit the Bank of Canada's Inflation
Calculator or Statistics Canada's Consumer
Price Index Web page.
See also deflation.
information economy (économie
de l'information).
A knowledge-based economy dominated by knowledge-based industries such
as computers, pharmaceuticals and consulting services.
input tax credit (crédit
de taxe sur intrants).
The input tax credit mechanism under the goods
and services tax (GST) effectively provides a refund to registered
businesses of all GST paid on inputs involved in the production and sale
of taxable goods and services. In this manner, the input tax credit
minimizes the amount of indirect tax embedded in the price of
Canadian-produced goods and services, making them more competitive
internationally and in the domestic market.
instruments (instruments).
Government tax and regulatory powers used to influence market
insurance company (société
interest (intérêt).
The cost of borrowed money – the price that lenders charge borrowers
for the use of the lender's money. Interest is paid on deposits because
they are, in effect, loans to the bank
or other deposit-taking institution.
See also compound interest.
interest rate or nominal
interest rate (taux d'intérêt
ou taux d'intérêt nominal).
The interest payable on a debt expressed as a
percentage of the debt over a period of time (usually a year). If a loan's
interest rate is 8 per cent annually you pay $8 interest each year for
every $100 borrowed.
See also long-term interest rate;
real interest rate; short-term
interest rate.
International Association of Insurance Supervisors
(IAIS) (Association
internationale des contrôleurs d'assurance (AICA)).
The IAIS is a forum for some 100 insurance regulators from over
70 countries. The work of the IAIS parallels the initiatives of the
Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators to achieve consensus on general
supervisory principles for both domestic and cross-border operations.
For more information, visit the IAIS Web
International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Fonds
monétaire international (FMI)).
An agency of the United Nations established in 1944 along with the World
Bank to promote post-war economic recovery, development and
trade principally by helping to ensure a stable system of international
exchange. The IMF has evolved since its inception, but remains focused on
overseeing the international monetary system, which includes promoting balance
of payments stability (e.g. helping to resolve debt problems) and
encouraging member governments to implement appropriate macroeconomic and
structural policies. For more information visit the International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank
Web sites.
International Organization of Securities Commissions
(IOSCO) Organisation
internationale des commissions de valeurs (OICV)).
An association consisting of 134 securities commissions. It aims to
foster co-operation among members, promote high standards of securities
regulation, facilitate the exchange of information, and encourage the
establishment of standards and effective surveillance of international
securities transactions. For more information, visit the IOSCO
Web site.
investment (investissement).
In its broadest sense, investment consists of putting an asset into a
form that is intended to increase its value. In an economic context,
however, it refers to spending on capital goods in order to increase
output - building a new factory, purchasing new equipment or public
spending on infrastructure.
investment income (revenu
de placement).
The income received from investment
in securities and property. It includes rent from property, dividends from
shares in corporations, and interest from bonds,
guaranteed investment certificates, bank accounts, certificates of
deposit, Treasury bills, and other
financial securities.
investment tax credit (crédit
d'impôt à l'investissement).
A tax credit usually calculated
as a fixed percentage of qualifying investments in
scientific research and experimental development and in certain regions.
joint venture (coentreprise
ou société en participation).
A project undertaken by two or more parties to achieve a mutual