(The content of this chapter will be issued at a later date.)
Appendix A - Public Service Collective Agreements
Implementation Order
Collective agreement administration
(The content of this chapter will be issued at a later date.)
Collective Bargaining
Staff Relations Division
Personnel Policy Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat
Appendix A
Public Service Collective Agreements Implementation Order
1. In this Order:
(a) "Collective agreement" has the same
meaning given to it in the Public Service Staff Relations Act.
(b) "deputy head" means
(i) in relation to a department, the deputy minister
thereof, and
(ii) in relation to any other portion of the Public
Service, the chief executive officer thereof, or, if there is no
chief executive officer the person designated by the Governor in
Council as the deputy head for the purposes of the Public Service
Employment Act.
Administration of collective agreements
2. Terms and conditions of employment applicable to employees
include and are modified by the provisions of a collective agreement on the
implementation date specified by the Treasury Board.
3. Subject to any direction of the Treasury Board, deputy heads
are hereby authorized and directed to exercise and perform such powers and
functions of the Treasury Board as may be required to give effect to and
administer the provisions of a collective agreement.
4. Subject to any direction of the Treasury Board, deputy heads
may authorize any person employed in their organization to exercise and perform
any of the powers and functions conferred upon them by this order.
5. The Deputy Minister of the Department of Supply and Services
is hereby authorized and directed to effect payroll deductions in accordance
with the provisions of collective agreements.
6. Where there is any conflict or incompatibility between a
provision of a collective agreement and an enactment of the Treasury Board
prescribing terms and conditions of employment, the provision of the collective
agreement shall prevail.