Lead Department: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: 2003
End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Linked to the renewal of the terms and conditions of the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP) by March 31st, 2010.
Total Federal Funding Allocation: See [note 2]
The objective of ELT is to provide job-specific language training to immigrants at Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) levels 7-10 in larger centres and CLB levels 1-10 in smaller centres where no language training infrastructure exists. ELT projects must include a cost-sharing plan that will contribute at least half the costs in the form of funds, in-kind contributions, services, tools or facilities. Service delivery projects must also include a bridge-to-work component, such as: access to internships; temporary or permanent work placement opportunities; a mentorship component to enable skilled immigrants to meet peers and begin developing a network in their chosen field of employment; or help with professional licensure and job search. The ELT initiative is an important component of the Government of Canada's efforts to attract highly skilled workers and ensure more successful integration of immigrants into the economy and communities.
Shared Outcome(s)
The strategic outcome of the ELT is employment for immigrants that is commensurate with their education and experience. In addition, ELT assists in providing employers with a broader pool of skilled workers ready to access the labour market.
Governance Structures
The ELT is a component of the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP). As such, the federal partner (CIC) is governed by Treasury Board approved terms and conditions and financial directives, the Financial Administration Act, the Settlement Manual, and the Contribution Accountability Framework (CAF), which is currently being implemented in stages. The CAF ensures the accountability of settlement expenditures through the monitoring of service delivery and the evaluation of program effectiveness. Information collected will also be used to identify program changes that will enhance the integration of immigrants into Canadian society. There are five key elements in the CAF: performance measurement, evaluation, contribution agreement process, management control (where applicable, under an agreement), and provincial-territorial accountability. Service provider partners are governed by contribution agreements entered into with the federal government.
Under existing federal-provincial agreements, the provinces of British Columbia and Manitoba administer ELT projects within their respective provinces. CIC and Alberta co-manage ELT projects. In 2004-2005, CIC entered into contribution agreements with the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. In addition, CIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the province of Nova Scotia.
Jean Séguin
Director, Special Initiatives and Outreach
[1] Enhanced Language Training is an integral part of the horizontal Internationally Trained Workers Initiative, which involves 14 federal departments that are co-led by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
[2] This amount is part of the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP) planned spending.