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Policies and Guidelines for Ministers' Offices - October 2006

To: Heads of Human Resources, Senior Financial Officers, and Chiefs of Compensation

Date: November 27, 2006

Subject: Policies and Guidelines for Ministers' Offices - October 2006


The Guidelines for Ministers' Offices of February 2006 have been updated. This bulletin is to inform you of the more significant revisions that have been made.

They are:

  • The document has been renamed "Policies and Guidelines for Ministers' Offices" to more accurately reflect that the document contains both mandatory policies and non-mandatory guidelines.
  • Salary rates for all exempt staff have been increased.
  • The salary rate structure for exempt staff has been modified; there is no minimum salary and there are no increments within the range.
  • A Minister's Private Secretary is now exempt staff in accordance with the Public Service Employment Act. The Minister's Private Secretary can be paid up to the equivalent of the AS-06 group and level. This position will be eliminated from the departmental staff complement.
  • The maximum equivalent salary for exempt Support Staff positions has been increased to the equivalent AS-04 group and level.
  • Budgets for Ministers exempt staff and regional representation have been increased. Budgets for Ministers' departmental staff have been decreased. Total Ministers' Office budgets have been increased.
  • Ministers may access the departmental carry-forward for the portion of their unexpended exempt staff and operating staff budgets from one fiscal year to the next up to a maximum of 5% of their originally constituted budget as of April 1. Ministers may use these funds for either Ministers' Office or regional representation exempt salary or operating expenses. This authority does not extend to ministers' departmental staff budgets.

Departmental staff responsible for Ministers' Office Guidelines are invited to review the updated version available at http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/mg-ldm/gfmo_e.asp.


For more information, please contact:

Claudia Zovatto

Acting Senior Director
Excluded Groups and Administrative Policies
Treasury Board Secretariat
Tel : (613) 952-2027
Fax : (613) 952-3002

Hélène Laurendeau
Assistant Secretary
Labour Relations & Compensation Operations