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MOU with Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) on Food Safety and Quality

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative:
April 1, 2003
End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2008
Total Federal Funding Allocation: $27M over 5 years


To establish minimum standards, as well as inspection and enforcement strategies for manufacturers of medicated feed for food-producing animals. Also to establish the On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program, which will provide government recognition of HACCP-based food safety systems developed and implemented by national producer associations.

Specific activities under the medicated feeds initiative will:

  • promulgate and implement medicated feed regulations establishing minimum standards for manufacturers of medicated feed for food producing animals; and
  • establish standards and policies supporting the design and implementation of an inspection and licensing system for these feed mills and farms by evaluating their manufacturing procedures and records.

Specific activities under the on-farm food safety recognition initiative will: establish a recognition system for on-farm food safety programs, which will ensure that adequate government oversight mechanisms are in place to maintain the confidence of Canada's trading partners and facilitate open access to marketplace.

Shared Outcome(s)

  1. protect human health by reducing exposure to hazards; and
  2. increase consumer confidence in the safety and quality of food produced in Canada [MOU, section 1.2].

Governance Structures

The MOU Governance Model includes three levels:

  1. the Joint Management Committee (JMC) which approves costed work plans with milestones, targets and indicators; reviews expenditures; and reports semi-annually on results to the Deputy Ministers' Committee;
  2. the Deputy Ministers' Committee which reviews and recommends the annual release of funds that are held in frozen allotment by Treasury Board Secretariate (TBS), and recommends the Minister's approval of changes, where objectives of this MOU change materially;
  3. the Minister who approves changes where objectives of this MOU change materially and who constitutes the last resort for dispute resolution.

A TBS official sits as an ex-officio member on the JMC.

This MOU Governance Structure is supported by the Interdepartmental Director General Working Group, which is the relevant Directors General of AAFC and CFIA and the Senior Director at TBS.


  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)


Johanne Beaulieu
Director General
Food Safety and Quality Policy Directorate
(613) 759-7547

Anita Stanger
Food Safety and Quality Programs Division
(613) 759-6234