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International Business Development Program

Lead Department: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Start Date:
April 1, 1994
End Date:  March 2004 - Negotiations are underway for a five-year renewal.
Total Federal Funding: $9.1 million


The IBDA is a co-operative effort between the federal government and the four Atlantic provinces with a goal to provide a forum for the co-ordination of international export activities on a pan-Atlantic scale and to combine limited federal and provincial resources dedicated to export development activities. Its main objectives are to increase the number of new exporters and the number of new markets for existing exporters. Funding for the $13 million agreement is shared 70/30 by the federal and provincial governments.

The Agreement expired in March 2004 and negotiations are underway with the Provinces for a five-year $10-million extension (70/30).

Shared Outcome(s)

The shared outcomes for the IBDA support ACOA's priority outcome for Trade.

IBDA outcomes:

  • To engage more Atlantic SMEs in exporting, i.e. increase the number of new exporters.
  • To increase the value of sales for existing exporters.
  • To diversify the markets of existing exporters.

Since the Agreement's inception, the Agency and its partners have administered over 140 projects involving some 2,500 Atlantic Canadian companies. The IBDA has assisted 155 companies to begin exporting, 258 exporters to increase their export sales and 187 exporters to expand to new markets.

Governance Structures

ACOA is the lead organization for this initiative and houses the Secretariat responsible for administering the Agreement. A Management Committee made up of a representative from each of the partners is responsible for the planning and management of the Agreement's programs and the evaluation of projects.


Federal Departments/Agencies

International Trade Canada – non-funding partner
Industry Canada – non-funding partner

Provincial and Territorial Governments (30%)

    Business New Brunswick
    Nova Scotia Business Inc.
    Newfoundland and Labrador Industry, Trade and Rural Development
    Prince Edward Island Business Development Inc.


Serge Langis, Director General,
Trade and Investment
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Telephone: (506) 851-6240
E-mail: serge.langis@acoa-apeca.gc.ca

More information on the IBDA is available at: http://www.acoa-apeca.gc.ca/e/ibda/index.shtml.