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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada
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Part III-Reports on Plans and Priorities (RPP)
Part III-Departmental Performance Reports (DPR)
The Estimates Process
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2006-2007 Part III - RPP Information update #1


Volume 1-1
(Monday, March 13, 2006)

Please Note:

  1. Signed print-ready documents and electronic files are due at the Treasury Board Secretariat (Secretariat) on or before April 7, 2006.
  2. The tentative tabling date for RPPs is May 4, 2006.
  3. The following information is to be used to set-up your financial tables:
    • In 2005-2006 report on your Main Estimates. Adjustments will consist of Governor General Special Warrant requests and Procurement Savings;
    • In 2006-2007 report on your Main Estimates (which includes 2006-2007 Governor General Special Warrant amounts). Adjustments will consist of Procurement Savings; and
    • In 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 repeat your 2006-2007 Main Estimates amounts.
  4. Machinery of Government Changes. The following changes are to be implemented in time for the RPP tabling:
    • Responsibility for the Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution will be transferred to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women;
    • Responsibility for the Office of Infrastructure of Canada will be transferred to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities; and
    • Responsibility for the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy will be transferred to the Minister of the Environment.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade will be published under one cover with two separate chapters one for Foreign Affairs the other for International Trade.

Human Resources and Skills Development will be published under one cover with two separate chapters one for Human Resources and Skills Development's Department and the other for Social Development.

For all other machinery of government changes that include the transfer of Crown corporations, programs, services, branches or secretariats both the giving and receiving organizations involved are to mention that these changes are forth coming but the details will not be made available until later in the fiscal year.

  1. Changes to the RPP Guidelines:
    • Changes were made to the foreword in the guidelines to reflect new reporting requirements for the publication of the Government of Canada Report on Plans and Priorities (GRPP). This report is prepared by the Secretariat and will provide Parliamentarians with an overview of government-wide plans, priorities and spending. Also included was a whole of government framework, grouping or listing called "Government of Canada Outcomes" under three enduring policy areas. For further information on this subject please contact Anna Blaszczynska at 613-957-2528. 
    • Table 4: "Services Received Without Charge", the amount to be used for government payments to employee insurance plans is 7.5% of the personnel input factor.
    • Table 18, the Sustainable Development Strategy Table, replace the existing five questions with the following three questions:
      1. How does your department / agency plan to incorporate SD principles and values into your mission, vision, policy and day-to-day operations?
      2. What Goals, Objectives and Targets from your most recent SDS will you be focusing on this coming year? How will you measure your success?
      3. Identify any Sustainable Development tools, such as Strategic Environmental Assessments or Environmental Management Systems that will be applied over the next year.

    For further information, please contact Gitanjali Adlakha-Hutcheon at 613-956-0543.

  2. Printing

    This year, invoices for the printing of the 2006-2007 RPPs will be paid through the Secretariat. Organizational costs will be recovered from individual Departments/Agencies using the Interdepartmental Settlement (IS) process.

    In order to ensure that the IS transactions run smoothly it is recommended that you provide your coding to the Secretariat's Financial Services Division (Attention: FIN/TBS IS Coordinator) by fax at 613-947-4461 or by e-mail at FIN/TBSISCoordinator@fin.gc.ca 

    As in previous years, all organizations will cover printing costs for:

    • their own requirements;
    • the House of Commons;
    • Depository Services (variable – please check with you RPP Contact); and
    • Overruns of approximately 5% of the total print run.

    Once a Printer has been selected we will provide organizations with the:

    • name of the Printing firm;
    • contract number; 
    • cost per page; 
    • overtime rate; and
    • cost of author's alterations (per page).

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Information Update contact Estelle Purdy at 613-952-3376.