Policy Contact List
Alternative Service Delivery
Colleen O’Brien
Whole of government reporting
Anna Blaszczynska
Jean-François Bastien
Conditional Grants (Foundations)
Morris Samel
DPR Production
Maggie Sztajerowska
Electronic Publishing
Jean-François Lachance
External User Charging / User Fees
Leon Richins
Financial Tables
Anne Routhier (DPR)/
Jo-Anne Munro (RPP)
Guideline Information
Anne Routhier (DPR)/
Jo-Anne Munro (RPP)
Horizontal Initiatives
Tim Wilson
Major Regulatory Initiatives
Vincent Ngan (PCO)
Office of Greening Government Operations (formerly known as Sustainable Development in Government Operations
Peggy Warren (PWGSC)
Procurement and Contracting
Susanna Riggs
Program Activity Architecture (PAA)
Rohit Samaroo
RPP Production
See attached list
Salary and Associated Costs of Legal Services
Arjun Patil (Justice)
Service Improvement Initiative
Colin Boyd
Societal Indicators
Tim Wilson
Status Summary of Major Crown Projects
Susanna Riggs
Sustainable Development Strategies
Michael Bates
Transfer Payments
Sue Murtagh
Travel Policy
Sharron Tuckey
Production Officer
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Line Bergevin
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Vanessa Voss
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada
Estelle Purdy
Canada Border Services Agency
Line Bergevin
Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency
Vanessa Voss
Canada Custom and Revenue Agency
Helen King
Canada Firearms Centre
Line Bergevin
Canada Industrial Relations Board
Vanessa Voss
Canada School of Public Service
Vanessa Voss
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal
Vanessa Voss
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Vanessa Voss
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Vanessa Voss
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Line Bergevin
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Helen King
Canadian Grain Commission
Line Bergevin
Canadian Heritage
Helen King
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Vanessa Voss
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Estelle Purdy
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Anita Doraty
Canadian International Development Agency
Line Bergevin
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Anita Doraty
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Anita Doraty
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Helen King
Canadian Space Agency
Line Bergevin
Canadian Transportation Agency
Anita Doraty
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Helen King
Commission for Public Complaints Against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Line Bergevin
Competition Tribunal
Line Bergevin
Copyright Board Canada
Line Bergevin
Correctional Service Canada
Line Bergevin
Courts Administration Service
Vanessa Voss
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Line Bergevin
Environment Canada
Vanessa Voss
Finance Canada, Department of
Anita Doraty
Financial Transactions and Report Analysis Centre of Canada
Anita Doraty
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Vanessa Voss
Foreign Affairs Canada
Line Bergevin
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission Canada
Estelle Purdy
Health Canada
Estelle Purdy
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Vanessa Voss
Human Rights Tribunal
Vanessa Voss
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Helen King
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canadian Polar Commission
Helen King
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada
Line Bergevin
Indian Specific Claims Commission
Helen King
Industry Canada
Line Bergevin
Infrastructure Canada
Vanessa Voss
International Trade Canada
Anita Doraty
Justice Canada, Department of
Vanessa Voss
Law Commission of Canada
Vanessa Voss
Library and Archives Canada
Helen King
Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
Helen King
NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section
Anita Doraty
National Defence
Helen King
National Energy Board
Anita Doraty
National Film Board
Helen King
National Parole Board
Line Bergevin
National Research Council Canada
Line Bergevin
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Anita Doraty
Natural Resources Canada
Anita Doraty
Northern Pipeline Agency Canada
Anita Doraty
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Anita Doraty
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Anita Doraty
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Vanessa Voss
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Anita Doraty
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada
Anita Doraty
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Vanessa Voss
Parks Canada
Vanessa Voss
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada
Estelle Purdy
Privy Council Office
Anita Doraty
Public Health Agency of Canada
Estelle Purdy
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
Line Bergevin
Public Service Commission of Canada
Helen King
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Vanessa Voss
Public Service Labour Relations Board
Helen King
Public Service Staffing Tribunal
Helen King
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Vanessa Voss
RCMP External Review Committee
Line Bergevin
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Line Bergevin
Science and Engineering Research Canada
Line Bergevin
Security Intelligence Review Committee
Anita Doraty
Social Development Canada
Vanessa Voss
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Line Bergevin
Statistics Canada
Line Bergevin
Status of Women Canada
Helen King
Supreme Court of Canada
Vanessa Voss
The Correctional Investigator Canada
Line Bergevin
The National Battlefields Commission
Helen King
Transport Canada
Anita Doraty
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
Anita Doraty
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Anita Doraty
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Vanessa Voss
Veterans Affairs Canada
Vanessa Voss
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Vanessa Voss
End Notes
For the purposes of this guide, the word "department" shall refer to both departments and
Program activities represent an aggregation of programs and/or services that have been
approved by the Treasury Board.
Before finalizing their alignment, departments should contact the analyst responsible for whole of government reporting to ensure that changes were not made to the whole of government framework. See the contact list at the end of this guide.
Before finalizing their alignment, departments should contact the analyst responsible for whole of government reporting to ensure that changes were not made to the whole of government framework. See the contact list at the end of this guide.
This may consist of, but is not limited to, Government On-Line (GOL); the Service
Improvement Initiative (SII); Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS); etc.
Baseline information provides an explicit starting or reference point for assessing change
and/or evolution in results achieved. It should consist of a date and the actual value for an indicator on that date.
For reproduction purposes, the Minister should sign the document using
black ink. Note, if the Minister signs the message then he or she does not have to sign the covering page.
The financial and human resources must be consistent with the total financial and human
resources displayed in the planned spending table.
The planned spending for the priorities need not add up to the total financial resources
shown above. It is expected that only an estimated resource allocation be provided.
Identify the priority as new; ongoing; or previously committed to.
List your key program activities and their expected results (as per your PAA) that apply
to the priority.
This information is to be consistent with the corresponding RPP and is to reflect the
type of information provided at that time. If there were changes to the departmental priorities, this should be explained in Section I. Departments should include a page
reference to the location of the result discussions in the document.
Insert the performance status on the expected result for each priority as "successfully
met", "not met", or "exceeded expectations".
Special instructions apply to these tables. If tables 12 to 17 are
relevant, the department must provide summary information in the printed RPP document and direct the reader to a TBS web site. Please consult instructions under the
"General Information" section to find out how they should be submitted to TBS.
Types of partners: Other federal departments or agencies, other
national governments, provincial and territorial governments, municipal governments, non-governmental organizations, private-sector organizations, First Nations, and other
A shared outcome is an outcome that partnering departments plan to
achieve as a result of their collective programming efforts. A shared outcome should contribute to the achievement of the partners' strategic outcomes.
These entities are required to table their first SDS in 2006.
Special instructions apply to these tables. The department must provide
summary information in the printed DPR document and direct the reader to a TBS web site. Please consult instructions under the "General Information" section on how they
should be submitted to TBS.
Respendable revenue and employee benefit plans are already in the Main Estimates
Non-respendable revenue consists of all non-tax revenue that will be credited to the
Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Services received without charge should be consistent with Table 4.
As established pursuant to the Policy on Service Standards for External
- service standards may not have received parliamentary review; and
- service standards may not respect all performance standard establishment requirements under the UFA (e.g. international comparison; independent complaint
Performance results are not legally subject to section 5.1 of the UFA regarding fee reductions for unachieved performance.
Refer to the CICA Handbook S.5090.02 for details.
These entities are required to table their first SDS in 2006.
Types of partners: Other federal departments or agencies, other
national governments, provincial and territorial governments, municipal governments, non-governmental organizations, private-sector organizations, First Nations, and other
A shared outcome is an outcome that partnering departments plan to
achieve as a result of their collective programming efforts. A shared outcome should contribute to the achievement of the partners' strategic outcomes.
Supply bills are tabled in Parliament and, once granted Royal Assent, become
appropriation acts.
The balance of the government's proposed spending is identified through Supplementary
Note that this adjustment can only be applied to the "Forecast
Spending" column.
The "Total Planned Spending" line under the "Forecast Spending"
column should reflect the department's best estimate of its cash expenditures-in other words, what the department would expect to see published in the upcoming Public
Eight million dollars is the maximum amount that may be drawn
down at any time from the
Consolidated Revenue Fund.
According to prevailing legal opinion, where the corresponding
fee introduction or most recent modification occurred prior to March 31, 2004:
- the performance standard, if provided, may not have received parliamentary review; and
- the performance standard, if provided, may not respect all establishment requirements under the UFA (e.g. international comparison; independent complaint
The performance result, if provided, is not legally subject to section 5.1 of the UFA regarding fee reductions for unachieved performance.