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Reporting Requirements for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2006

TO: All Senior Financial Officers

RE:  Reporting Requirements for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2006

The purpose of this communication is to advise you of the reporting requirements related to the allowances for valuation of assets, unrecorded liabilities, contaminated sites and departmental financial statements.  It should be noted that there are significant changes this year

Valuation of Assets and Unrecorded Liabilities

As per the Treasury Board Policy on Allowances for Valuation of Assets and Liabilities, departments must perform an annual assessment of the collectability of financial claims, and report to the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) any liabilities or allowances of a material amount affecting their accounts that are not or cannot be recorded through their departmental entries.

In fiscal year 2005-06, TBS has devolved to departments the responsibility for recording most allowances on assets and unrecorded liabilities that were previously recorded centrally.  However, there continue to be situations where central entries will be required on behalf of departments.  These include:

1.   An accounting entry that cannot be recorded by the department because access to CFMRS has closed.  Only amounts that are significant to the department should be reported.  This situation may occur as a result of:

-         Transactions resulting from events that occur between March 31st and the date of completion of the Government's financial statements which provide evidence of conditions that existed at year-end (e.g. the bankruptcy of a recipient of a significant unconditionally repayable contribution or loan guarantee, or the unexpected loss of a claim against the department, etc.); or

-         The correction of a significant error discovered either by the department or their auditor following the close of CFMRS

In the situations described in paragraph 1, departments should notify TBS of the possible requirement for a central accrual by providing the amount of the allowance and details of the nature of the allowance as soon as the information is available.  It should be noted that even though the accounting entry is recorded centrally, the department's financial statements will need to reflect the transaction as if it had been recorded in the department's trial balance.

2.      Allowances for likely contingent liabilities that cannot be recorded by the department because of one of the exception listed in TBAS 3.6 - Contingencies.  Specifically:

-         Where the magnitude of the estimated liability is so significant that its inclusion in expense/liabilities risks revealing the estimate of potential liability; or

-         Where the contingency relates to TBS as the Public Service employer and the potential impact of the claim extends across many departments.

In the situations described in paragraph 2, departments should notify TBS, by April 28, 2006, of the amount of the allowance, the details of the nature of the allowance and the reasons why the department cannot record the allowance. For any developments after April 28, 2006, departments are to provide the information to TBS as soon as it is available. 

Responses should be treated as confidential and forwarded to:  

Brenda Abramson (613) 957-9676
Senior Analyst
Government Accounting Policy and Reporting
Financial Management and Analysis Sector
Office of the Comptroller General
Treasury Board Secretariat
L'Esplanade Laurier
8th Floor, West Tower
300 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R5 

Liabilities related to contaminated sites

Departments are required to report on liabilities related to contaminated sites as required by the Policy on Accounting for Costs and Liabilities Related to Contaminated Sites.  Note that this liability was devolved to departments in 2004-2005.  For fiscal year 2005-06, the process for providing information on contaminated sites has significantly changed.  Departments will no longer provide information on their contaminated sites directly to TBS.  Departments must provide summary financial information on environmental liabilities to the Deputy Receiver General on Table TA5a as per the Public Accounts Instructions found at http://publiservice.pwgsc.gc.ca/rg/pdf/chap15r4-e.pdf.

Departments may wish to attach cover letters with additional details on their environmental liabilities to Table TA5a, similar to those they had submitted to TBS in previous years.  However, departments must ensure these cover letters are properly labelled "Attachment to Table TA5a".  

Additionally, departments are to provide detailed information on their contaminated sites through their year-end update of the Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory (FCSI).  Departments must update the FCSI by May 25, 2006 so that the information is available for TBS to review.  The FCSI can be found at: http://publiservice.tbs-sct.gc.ca/dfrp-rbif/cs-sc/home-accueil.asp?Language=EN.

If there are any questions on the financial reporting requirements for contaminated sites, please contact Marianna Gee at (613) 957-7168, Gee.Marianna@tbs-sct.gc.ca, or Evelyne Verner  at (613) 957-9853, Verner.Evelyne@tbs-sct.gc.ca.

Departmental financial statements

Departments are reminded that starting with fiscal year 2005-2006, the financial statements are to be published in the Departmental Performance Report (DPR). Instructions on their publication will be included in the preparation guide for the 2005-2006 DPR.  To ensure the greatest quality of the financial statements prior to their release, departments are being provided with additional time this year-end prior to their finalization:  

-         June 15th, unsigned version of the financial statements (i.e. near final draft) to be submitted to the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG) for review.  Comments will be provided back to departments within a month of receipt.  

-         August 15th, final signed version to be submitted to the OCG.

Departments are encouraged to provide earlier drafts of their financial statements without 2005-2006 amounts, so that the OCG can discuss any proposed changes with the department as early as possible.  

The financial statements are to be forwarded to:

Chantal Lemyre (613) 957-2527
Government Accounting Policy and Reporting
Financial Management and Analysis Sector
Office of the Comptroller General
Treasury Board Secretariat
L'Esplanade Laurier
8th Floor, West Tower
300 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R5  

A nil response to this call letter is not required.

c.c.:  Senior Full-Time Financial Officers