It is important that the federal government achieve maximum
economy, efficiency and effectiveness in acquiring, using and disposing of
materiel resources. The large sum of money expended annually on materiel and the
multibillion dollars' worth of materiel assets held by departments and agencies
justify close attention to materiel management. Government policies on materiel
management place less emphasis on mandated controls and more emphasis on
effectiveness. This provides an opportunity for reviewers to move their
examinations more directly into the realm of administrative effectiveness.
Reviews can produce valuable information on the effects of the
policy. Because reviews provide an occasion for systematic consultation with the
organization's staff, they are an excellent source of ideas for streamlining and
improving the effectiveness of administrative policies. As well, reviews which
identify particular successes and best practices are of interest to the
responsible Treasury Board policy centres.
Reviewers are encouraged to provide their input regarding the
materiel management policy by commenting on its appropriateness, reasonableness
and fairness in their review reports.
The current materiel management policy of the Government of
Canada was issued under the authority of Treasury Board in 1989. The overall
objectives of the government's original 1979 materiel management policy remain
unchanged: to reduce the cost of government materiel through economies from
increased attention to value for money, optimised utilization of existing
equipment, and reduced physical losses.
The current policy requirements are results oriented. They are
not intended to impose any specific processes on departments. However, while
departments are responsible for detailed implementation of materiel management
practices, the government's overall policy objectives must be pursued. Reviews
of materiel management should assess the extent to which the government policy
objectives of value for money, optimised utilization of resources and reduced
physical losses are achieved.
Purpose Of This Guide
This is a general guide to the review of the materiel management
function. It provides a framework for conducting reviews of materiel management
in the federal government by auditors, evaluators, materiel management
specialists and program managers tasked with reviewing the materiel management
Chapter One examines organizational roles and responsibilities
and looks at the results-oriented review.
Chapter Two introduces the life-cycle model for materiel
management. It also examines planning and scoping for the review and discusses
how the review approach to be used is determined.
Chapter Three provides objectives and criteria, and suggests
review procedures which may be performed. It should be noted that this Chapter
does not provide a detailed review checklist. The reviewer, in performing an
assessment of the area to be reviewed, may establish other review objectives and
criteria, and may have to perform additional review procedures to ensure that
desired results are being achieved.
The review objectives covered in this Chapter
- A management framework for the materiel function is in place
and meets the needs of the organization;
- Materiel requirements are assessed and planned;
- Acquisition of materiel, whether by the organization or Public
Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), is economical, efficient and
- The operation, utilization and storage of materiel is
efficient, effective, and timely; and
- Replacement and disposal of materiel is economic and
In addition to this guide, the reader should refer to:
The Treasury Board Manual, Materiel, Risk and Common Services
Chapter 1, Materiel Management Policy
Chapter 2, Furniture and Furnishings
Chapter 3, Motor Vehicles
Other Related Policy Areas
In a review of materiel management, reference may be made to
government policies in the following areas:
Subject Area
Accounting for Inventories
Treasury Board Guide on Financial Administration, Chapter
9.5 and Appendix D
Contracting for Goods
Treasury Board Manual, Contracting Volume.
Departmental Corporate Planning
Treasury Board requirements for Multi-Year Operational
Treasury Board Manual, Security Volume (see also TBS/OCG
Guide to the Audit of Security)
Information Systems
Treasury Board Manual, Information Management Volume.
Dangerous Substances
Labour Canada requirements for Workplace Hazardous
Materials Information System (WHMIS), Canada Labour Code requirements for
labelling of dangerous substances, and Transportation of Dangerous
Goods Act for regulations regarding packaging and shipping
Public Works and Government Services Canada Customer
The reviewer's role is to assess whether the current materiel
management function supports the needs of management, that is whether expected
results are actually being achieved with economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.
This chapter looks at generic roles and responsibilities for the function and at
expectations for the results-oriented materiel management review.
In order to fully appreciate the possible complexity and
parameters of a materiel management review, and to ensure a common understanding
of the terminology used, it is important to initially define the terms
"materiel" and "materiel management".
Materiel in the Government of Canada refers to movable public
property and all assets, including equipment and stores, other than money and
real property. It comprises: raw materials and manufactured products; short-term
consumable items such as pencils and paper; small durable items such as cameras
and laboratory equipment; medium-size items such as office equipment, computers
and furniture; and large items such as vehicles, ships and aircraft.
Materiel management includes a number of related functions, such
as determining requirements, cataloguing, the acquisition, distribution,
storage, maintenance, and disposal of materiel, and the acquisition of related
services, with the purpose of achieving the greatest possible efficiency and the
least cost.
Departmental Roles And Responsibilities
Departmental management, which has been given the resources to
acquire materiel, is responsible for ensuring that corporate goals are achieved.
The government environment makes it essential that line managers place increased
emphasis on their ability to determine materiel requirements. Line managers are
responsible for ensuring that materiel management needs are not only addressed
but are met in the most economic, efficient, and effective way possible.
In order to carry out this role, departments must have adequate
and appropriate structures, systems, and processes in place. Departments may
differ in the way they structure specific materiel management responsibilities
and processes within their organizations. The primary consideration is that
corporate objectives are met. Generic roles and responsibilities within a
department follow.
Corporate Management
Corporate responsibility for materiel management may be handled
by an executive officer at departmental corporate headquarters who is directly
responsible to the deputy head for:
- departmental achievement of Treasury Board materiel policy objectives and
the Guide on Financial Administration;
- providing direction on materiel policies to departmental materiel services
and responsibility centre mangers; and
- evaluating performance of materiel services and responsibility centres
with respect to materiel management.
Materiel Services
Materiel services usually consists of a group headed by a Chief,
Materiel Management reporting to a Director, Administration, reporting to the
ADM Corporate Management. This group is supported by administrative and
specialist staff and organizational units and is responsible for:
- planning, implementing, directing, controlling and evaluating materiel
services organizational units within the department (materiel services
administrative unit, stores depots and warehouses), as directed by corporate
- planning, purchasing, and managing materiel resources for the provision of
materiel services to the Department; and
- providing advice to corporate management and responsibility centre
managers on all aspects of materiel services.
Responsibility Centres
These are organizational units (other than materiel services
organizational units) in which the manager has been delegated authority to
manage financial resources and to exercise spending authority against the
responsibility centre's budget. Responsibility centres are the prime consumers
of resources provided through materiel services. In organizations with no
materiel services unit, responsibility centres perform much of the materiel
services responsibilities on their own.
Within the context of materiel management, responsibility centre
managers are responsible for:
- planning, requisitioning and managing materiel resources required to
permit the responsibility centre to function in accordance with its assigned
role in the department.
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)
It is important to mention at this point that Public Works and
Government Services Canada performs a key role in assisting departments with the
determination of their materiel needs and the writing of specifications. It is
responsible for assisting in the acquisition of goods above departmental
delegated authority. The interface between PWGSC and departments is therefore
key to ensuring that departmental needs are met in a timely and efficient way.
The Results-Oriented Review
The role and responsibilities of departmental management,
including the special responsibilities given to PWGSC, have just been discussed.
The primary role of the reviewer is to evaluate whether results which reflect
corporate goals and priorities are being achieved efficiently and effectively.
The results-oriented review of materiel management should focus
on the level of support provided to achieve results, and on whether materiel is
being used as efficiently and effectively as possible. The review should also
include a determination of the degree to which the materiel management function
or systems, and the materiel in use in the area reviewed, serve departmental
The reviewer should examine the impact of materiel management
practices, including the departmental-PWGSC interface where materiel is a
critical element to achieving delivery objectives. This includes any memorandums
of understanding with PWGSC. The reviewer should identify the level of impact of
materiel management on program support, determine to what extent materiel is
used, and examine the materiel management system in place.
For example, where materiel constitutes a large component of the
supporting activity to a program, such as Fisheries Management, the reviewer
would consider the following: the quality and timeliness of the materiel
provided to the boats or ships; the quality and location of the materiel
utilized; and the effect of the materiel on the level of services provided by
the boats or ships. In effect, the reviewers would seek answers to such
questions as: are boats or ships available or not available for the delivery of
the program on a timely basis? If not, is this because of a lack of spare parts
or other identifiable cause? If due to lack of parts, why are the parts not
To summarize, optimum use should be made of all materiel in the
department. The reviewer can evaluate the degree to which materiel supports
corporate goals and objectives, including those of service delivery.
A results-oriented review of the materiel management function
should be performed. The major difference between planning for a
results-oriented review and a compliance review of materiel management is the
emphasis which is placed on the assessment of management's achievement of
corporate goals and objectives.
This chapter will cover highlights in the planning process for
materiel management, including the life-cycle model, planning and scoping
issues, and review approaches. It does not show the reviewer how to plan in
detail for a review of the materiel management function.
Life-Cycle Model
The Treasury Board materiel management policies are based on a
life-cycle model. This model captures all phases in the life of an item of
materiel from determination of need for the item to its disposal. (See Exhibit
1.) This life-cycle model should be considered when planning for the materiel
management review.
Each of the four phases described in the model has a hierarchy
of related policy requirements. These phases, and their related policy
requirements represent the basic framework for both the management of materiel
and for planning and conducting a review of materiel management.
Reviews of materiel management may not necessarily examine the
full materiel function at any one time. The reason for not doing so may be the
large size of the materiel function within the department, or because the
materiel function is highly decentralized. For example, the various tasks found
in each of the four phases of the life-cycle model may be the responsibility of
a number of responsibility centres, which may even be geographically dispersed.
The reviewer may therefore examine, at any one time, only some of the related
policy requirements found in each phase of the life-cycle model. The area to be
examined should be determined while planning the review.
Planning and Scoping Issues
In preparing for a review of materiel management, the reviewer
should look at the organization's general management framework for the materiel
function. This may include departmental or agency organization charts, policies,
systems and plans. The purpose is to identify the persons or positions
responsible for specific aspects of the materiel management function.
It should be noted that departmental roles and responsibilities
for each phase of the life-cycle model may differ. For example, a department or
agency with a materiel services group may assign full responsibility for the
acquisition phase of the model to this group. Alternatively, other departments
or agencies may assign responsibilities for acquisition to branches or
responsibility centres.
When examining the management framework for materiel management,
the reviewer should consider whether to also cover other policy-related areas.
These can be considered at the time of long-term review planning, and
reconsidered in more detail at the time of specific review assignment planning.
Other policy-related areas are identified below. These are
referenced to specific review procedures in Chapter 3 where appropriate.
- Accounting for Inventories
All government organizations have a duty to safeguard public
assets. Consequently, departments and agencies should comply with government
policies concerning the maintenance of records to account for inventories of
materiel. This can be considered a materiel management responsibility
pursuant to Part 3 of the Treasury Board policy requirements for materiel
management (see 4.1.5 in Chapter 3). This could also be considered a
financial management responsibility pursuant to Treasury Board requirements
in Chapter 9.5 and Appendix D of the Guide on Financial Administration. A
review may or may not cover both of these sets of policy requirements.
- Contracting for Goods
Part 3 of the Treasury Board materiel management policy
describes administrative policy requirements for the acquisition of materiel
(see 3.1 of Chapter 3 of this guide). However, further administrative policy
requirements for the purchase of goods (acquisition of materiel) are found
in the Treasury Board Manual, Volume on Contracting. A review may include
only the general policy requirements for materiel management and/or the more
detailed contracting policy requirements.
- Departmental Corporate Planning
Policy requirements for the planning of materiel
requirements are specified in Part 1 of the Treasury Board materiel
management policy (see 2.1 in Chapter 3 of this guide). In addition,
planning for materiel requirements is a significant aspect to corporate
planning for purposes of the MYOP and Main Estimates. For example,
departmental material management must be capable of supporting corporate
planning by:
- forecasting changes in departmental resource requirements when
departmental organization, programs and facilities are amended; and
- forecasting changes required in materiel management resources (FTEs
and $) to meet additional workload imposed by a).
A review may be restricted only to materiel management
policy requirements or it may cover corporate planning requirements.
- Security
Government organizations have a responsibility to safeguard
public assets. This includes implementation of measures for the protection
of assets (materiel) and detection of losses. One aspect of this
responsibility is accounting for inventories, as discussed previously. A
further aspect of this responsibility is security. For example, departmental
management security considerations should require that facilities are
designed to safeguard sensitive or valuable assets (materiel) from threats
(including theft, fire, etc.). This and other considerations are described
in Treasury Board policies and standards applicable to security. A review,
therefore, may cover only the general requirements in Part 3 of the Treasury
Board materiel management policy (see 4.1.5, 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 of Chapter 3 of
this guide), or it may also include more detailed aspects of Treasury Board
security policy requirements as they relate to assets or materiel (see the
TBS/OCG Guide to the Audit of Security).
- Information Systems
Information systems are required to gather information to be
used in making decisions about materiel throughout all stages of materiel
management. In addition, consistent with the results orientation of current
Treasury Board policies, information systems should be reporting on measures
and results which demonstrate the effectiveness of departmental management
materiel. Thus a review of materiel management may examine information
systems regarding their specific application to and support of departmental
materiel management (see 4.1.5 and 4.1.7 of Chapter 3 of this guide).
- Dangerous, Hazardous or Controlled Substances
Materiel in some organizations may include dangerous,
hazardous or controlled substances. In planning a review of materiel the
reviewer should determine if dangerous, hazardous or controlled substances
are handled by the department. For example, research groups in many
departments have various chemicals and/or radioactive substances.
Organizations may also have materiel with hazardous or controlled substances
such as CFCs, PCBs, halon, etc. These substances can be found in various
types of equipment.
Dangerous, hazardous and controlled substances are regulated
by various policies including the Treasury Board policies on materiel
management (Part 3), the Canada Labour Code (for labelling of containers of
dangerous substances), the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems
(for WHMIS inventory and information requirements), and the Transportation
of Dangerous Goods Act (for packaging and shipping). If dangerous,
hazardous or controlled substances are included in the organization's
materiel, the reviewer will have to decide what aspects of these regulations
will be included within the scope of a review of materiel management (see
4.3.5 of Chapter 3 or this guide).
- Capital Assets and Materiel
Materiel is by definition all movable public property,
equipment and stores. Some items, however, may be considered either as
materiel because they are movable or as capital assets, due to their large
cost. An example which may fit into either category is aircraft. In fact,
these items may be treated as capital items for departmental corporate
planning purposes, and financial management or expenditure purposes.
Capital assets are regulated by various Treasury Board
administrative and financial policies. If an item is considered to be a
capital asset, other policy requirements apply, for example, those for major
Crown projects. If capital assets are included in the organization's materiel,
for example, ships, the reviewer will have to decide what aspects of other
policy requirements will be included within the scope of a review of material
The reviewer cannot feasibly examine every aspect of materiel
management at any one time. In undertaking the risk assessment portion of the
initial analysis of the materiel management universe, consideration should be
given to the selection of the area(s) to be examined. Selection can be assisted
by an assessment of the following factors.
Department and Corporate Priorities
It is possible that management wishes to have increased emphasis
and scrutiny on a particular aspect of materiel. For example, departmental
management may be concerned about inventory levels, risk of losses (security),
the level and cost of controls for a certain type of materiel, and/or the
possibility of a stock-out situation. Whatever the management concern(s), the
reviewer should determine the current corporate priorities in planning the scope
of a review of materiel, through discussion and enquiry with senior management
at the outset of the review.
Some types of materiel, by virtue of their nature and/or use in
an organization, provide vital support to departmental or agency operations.
These types of materiel may warrant specific examination. For example, automated
office equipment may be vital to a department's operations, and consequently the
department may have established stringent specifications and compatibility
requirements. A review might therefore specifically examine compliance to the
departmental requirements in this instance.
In preparing for a review of materiel management, the reviewer
may scan the organization's materiel purchases and their use in order to
identify significant materiel. In addition, the reviewer may ask if the newly
acquired materiel matches existing materiel in use, and/or if it is consistent
or compatible with current requirements.
Materiality and Types of Expenditures
The dollar value of materiel expenditures (materiality) is an
important consideration in planning a review of materiel management. Departments
and agencies will vary considerably in their expenditures for different types of
materiel which ranges from pencils and paper to vehicles, even aircraft. The
reviewer may scan the organization's materiel purchases in order to identify
expenditure volumes by type of materiel. This will aid in establishing the scope
of the review in terms of the expenditures and types of materiel which are
important to the organization. It will also aid in subsequent examination of
whether materiel controls are cost-effective, i.e. that the cost of controls is
reasonable in the circumstances.
Cost of Controls
Reviewers, during the performance of their reviews, should plan
to carry out a cost-benefit analysis of the controls which are present in the
reviewed entity. This would include assessing the risk of not having or of
reducing the amount of control, and should include the costs of compliance with
these controls. For example, departmental procedures or controls may be
achieving excellent compliance levels, but these controls may be more than what
is required to achieve similar levels of compliance at reduced costs.
There may be other factors which are specific to a situation,
such as "attractiveness" of certain inventory. Certain types of
materiel are inherently "attractive" in terms of risk of theft. For
example, notebook computers are highly portable, valuable (and easily stolen)
items. As such they would be considered as "attractive" items. A
review might specifically assess controls over such items.
Another factor is the cost of the review, which should be
reasonable in relation to the value of the materiel under examination.
Review Approaches
The review approach to be used is dependent upon the
determination of which approach will best achieve the review objectives, given
the organizational structure of the materiel management function within the
There are at least three approaches to the review of materiel:
Functional Approach - an examination of the
materiel management function across the department or agency;
Organizational Approach - an examination of
applicable segments of the materiel life-cycle within selected
organizational units; and
Commodities Approach - an examination of
only certain types of materiel.
Functional Approach
The materiel management function in most departments and
agencies cuts across organizational boundaries. It is possible that a single
review may examine all phases of the materiel management life-cycle within the
organization. Major materiel activities should also be included, as well as
administrative units with significant materiel responsibilities. The
results-oriented functional review would include an examination of the materiel
policies which play a major role in the delivery of services and the cost of
The functional approach is more practical in organizations with
a centralized materiel management function. Organizations with a widely
decentralized materiel management function may find that a single
department-wide functional review would be difficult to apply. Nevertheless, the
functional approach may still be valid and applicable if the overall review is
broken into smaller assignments. For example, each phase of the life-cycle may
become the basis for a separate review.
Organizational Approach
In practice there are alternatives to a full scale functional
review of materiel management. This guide recognizes that reviewers may examine
materiel management in the context of reviewing branches or responsibility
centres. The boundaries of such reviews are often defined by organizational
boundaries. For example, reviews of responsibility centres or branches may
examine only those materiel management activities performed within the centre or
branch. In fact, the review of materiel management may only be one of various
functions which are examined in an overall review of the responsibility centre
or branch. These reviews will also use the life-cycle model as the basic
framework for examining the materiel management function.
The reviewer will determine which of the materiel life-cycle
functions are performed in the responsibility centre or branch. Review
objectives and criteria are developed accordingly.
A variation on this approach is applicable where certain
material activities are large enough to warrant a separate review. These
materiel activities may be performed by centralized service groups, with
separate organizational unit identities. For example, some departments have
central procurement and/or inventory groups. Again, the life-cycle model
applies. The reviewer will determine which of the materiel life-cycle functions
are performed within the organization to be reviewed. Review objectives and
criteria are again derived accordingly.
Commodities Approach
Certain types of materiel, e.g., commodities, may be the focus
of selected reviews. Certain commodities may represent sufficiently large
expenditures, or may be deemed to be significant, such that a separate review is
warranted. Often, a type of commodity has unique or special aspects to be
examined. For example, it may be decided to examine only EDP items, including
microcomputers, software, etc., which are subject to specific Treasury Board
policies on information technology. Another example could be hazardous materiel.
It may be decided that the safety risks associated with hazardous materials and
the numerous applicable regulations would warrant a separate review. Reviews of
commodities may be planned due to reasons of materiality, significance,
corporate priorities, etc.
Again, the life-cycle model provides the basic framework for
such reviews. Reviews of commodities may examine the performance of materiel
responsibilities and processes across all phases of the materiel life-cycle. In
addition, the objectives and scope of such reviews generally include examination
of aspects particularly relevant to the commodity. For example, a review of
tools and small equipment might examine allocations and entitlement, frequency
of replacement, custody, and control because they are relevant to the nature of
the commodity. The objective of the results-oriented commodity review should be
to evaluate the adequacy of the level and the effectiveness of materiel support
in the delivery of services, and the costs of controls.
Certain commodities may also require a special expertise from a
review perspective. For example, the audit of EDP materiel, or hazardous
materiel, may require technical experts, depending upon the nature and depth of
Two commodities are subject to specific Treasury Board
requirements. Office furniture and furnishings, and motor vehicles are the
subjects of separate policy chapters in addition to the general Treasury Board
policy on materiel management. If office furniture or motor vehicles are
included within the scope of a review of materiel management, the reviewer
should refer to the relevant additional policy requirements. Readers should
refer to the appendices of this document for further guidance in the review of
furniture and furnishings, and motor vehicles.
The review of materiel management should be results-oriented.
The review of the materiel management life-cycle within the department, the
planning and scoping which is done, and the review approach chosen should all
assist the reviewer in assessing whether the materiel management function in
place meets the needs of the organization.
The following objectives, criteria and review procedures are
presented for information and guidance. The objectives and criteria are based
primarily on Treasury Board materiel management policy and good management
practices. Departmental policies may be more detailed and specific than the
Treasury Board policy.
The text should be used selectively depending upon which review
approach is used. For example, a department-wide functional review of materiel
management should include examination of Corporate Management of the Materiel
Function as outlined in Part 1 of this chapter. Alternatively, an organizational
review of a line branch would not include Part 1, but would include selected
segments of Parts 2 through 5, depending upon the applicability of these
materiel management functions within the line branch.
The Treasury Board Policy places emphasis on effectiveness.
Therefore, in a review of materiel management, the reviewer should focus
attention on whether the department or agency is receiving best value for the
monies expended. This means ensuring that due regard for economy, efficiency and
effectiveness has been considered in each aspect of the materiel management
function examined.
Objectives, Criteria and Review Procedures
Part 1 Corporate Management of the Materiel
1. A management framework for the materiel function is
in place and meets the needs of the organization.
1.1 Responsibility, authority, and adequate training for
materiel management has been clearly established within the department or
Review Procedures
1.1.1 Determine whether departmental responsibility,
authority, and training for materiel management have been clearly assigned by
the deputy head by:
- examining the departmental administrative manual, if any, or other
relevant manuals, to see if it (they) gives adequate information for key
personnel to discharge their responsibilities;
- interviewing key personnel on their understanding of the materiel
management requirements of their positions (refer also to 1.2.3, 1.3.3,
and 4.3.2);
- determining how the roles and responsibilities relate to the
organization's objectives, including consideration for efficiency and
1.1.2 Determine whether the corporate official(s) responsible
for materiel management have established adequate policy direction, have set
goals and objectives, have provided for adequate training of personnel, and
for the evaluation of performance of the materiel functions throughout the
1.1.3 Determine whether materiel managers:
- have assessed whether staff have the appropriate level of skills;
- have developed an action plan to meet staff training needs;
- have implemented the staff training plan; and
- have evaluated staff training results.
1.1.4 Determine whether linkages exist between the materiel
function and other administrative functions (such as financial management,
information management, contracts management, security and EDP services) to
ensure that plans and activities regarding materiel management are
1.1.5 Determine whether there is a corporate strategy and plan
for the distribution of materiel which considers the following:
- the use of external services, such as PWGSC or private sector agents;
- stakeholders or users of materiel in significant projects; and
- warehousing, transportation, and all other related costs for various
categories of materiel.
1.2 A senior official has been appointed and given
responsibility to co-ordinate and direct the implementation of the government
Materiel Management Policy.
Review Procedures
1.2.1 Examine the organization chart for the position in the
department or agency.
1.2.2 Review the position descriptions for duties and
1.2.3 Review the position descriptions to ensure they are
consistent with information or evidence obtained from 1.1.l.
1.3 The department or agency uses the Treasury Board Manual
and/or has developed its own materiel management manual and/or set of
Review Procedures
1.3.1 If a department uses its own manual rather than the
Treasury Board manual, examine the department's materiel management manual or
set of procedures to determine whether it covers all the components of the
life-cycle model found in Chapter 2 of this guide.
1.3.2 Determine whether the departmental manual or set of
procedures has been formally approved and communicated to all key personnel.
1.3.3 Determine the distribution of the Treasury Board or the
departmental manual or set of procedures and assess whether it ensures timely
communication of understanding of materiel management requirements to relevant
persons across the organizations. (Review evidence for consistency with
1.4 The performance of the materiel function is evaluated.
Review Procedures
1.4.1 Determine whether standards have been developed in order
to evaluate the materiel function in terms of departmental and government
objectives. (The government objectives are: to reduce the cost of government
materiel through economies from increased attention to value for money,
optimized utilization of existing equipment, and reduced physical losses.)
1.4.2 Determine whether there are written plans and procedures
for measuring and evaluating the materiel function.
1.4.3 Determine whether there are written, useful measures for
all four life-cycle phases of the materiel function. Assess whether the
measures include coverage of all significant outputs and costs.
1.4.4 Assess whether the information system reports on
measures and results which demonstrate the effectiveness of departmental
management of materiel.
1.4.5 Determine whether managers measure and evaluate
performance of the materiel function in a timely manner and whether procedures
used are reliable.
1.4.6 Assess whether deviations between actual and planned
expenditures and outputs is recorded and acted upon by management.
1.4.7 Determine whether management evaluates and has
information available to ensure that the appropriate quality and quantity of
resources are available in a timely manner to perform all materiel services at
minimum costs.
1.4.8 Determine if information is provided to the senior
official responsible to co-ordinate and direct the implementation of the
government Materiel Management Policy (refer to Criterion 1.2).
Part 2 Assessment and Planning
2. Materiel requirements are assessed and planned.
Criteria (T.B. Materiel Management
2.1 (a) Materiel needs are assessed in relation to program
administration and operational requirements.
- Materiel requirements are identified and defined in terms of
performance specifications.
- Methods of meeting materiel requirements are analyzed, and the best
options chosen.
Review Procedures
2.1.1 Determine whether written procedures exist which ensure
- materiel needs are assessed in terms of the expected contribution to
program administration, operational imperatives or service delivery;
- materiel requirements are identified and defined in terms of performance
- methods of meeting materiel requirements are analyzed (eg. make or buy);
- price, availability, and performance options are analyzed, and the best
options chosen. Departments should acquire commercially available items
unless custommade items are essential to operational requirements.
2.1.2 Examine a sample of materiel procurement transactions to
ensure the procedures per 2.1.1 are in place and are working. Assess the
procedures for completeness, efficiency and effectiveness.
2.1.3 Assess the cost-benefit of the procedures and controls
in use. Determine whether the level and costs of controls are reasonable in
the context of the value and type of materiel.
Criterion (T.B. Materiel
Management Policy)
2.2 Use of materiel resources is forecast, and major items
are assessed and ranked in terms of program and operational requirements.
Review Procedures
2.2.1 Determine whether a process and procedures exist to
forecast the use of materiel resources. Assess the effectiveness of these
procedures (eg. consider the historical accuracy of forecasts, frequency of
changes, etc.).
2.2.2 Determine whether the acquisition and replacement of
equipment and other major items is assessed and ranked in relation to program,
operational, and government-wide priorities. Review the criteria and methods
used for ranking. Consider whether they are comprehensive, i.e. are all
important factors included, including maintenance, refer to 4.2.3.
2.2.3 Examine documentation regarding 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 and
assess whether all materiel requirements (types) are covered.
2.2.4 Determine whether linkages exist between materiel
requirements forecasting and the corporate planning function. Assess whether
responsibilities for preparation, submission and approval of materiel
management budgets are clear and are being exercised.
Part 3 Acquisition
3. Acquisition of materiel, whether by the department
or PWGSC, is economical, efficient and effective.
Criteria (T.B. Materiel Management
3.1 (a) Selection of materiel to be acquired is based on
requirements assessments and performance specifications;
- The most cost-effective mode of acquisition (purchase vs rental) is
determined and used;
- Acquisition transactions are planned and executed based on service
levels established in relation to lead time, quality, reliability,
delivery or performance;
- Delivery of materiel is followed-up (where necessary) and goods are
inspected on delivery to ensure that materiel received is the materiel
contracted for; and
- Appropriate quality assurance and testing is performed of materiel
and equipment.
Review Procedures
3.1.1 Determine whether procedures exist to ensure that:
- materiel needs definitions are based on requirements and performance
- the method mode of acquisition is cost-effective, and the opportunity to
eliminate unnecessary service costs is considered, bearing in mind the
role of PWGSC in the acquisition process;
- there is no duplication with the activities of PWGSC;
- acquisition transactions are based on established service levels;
- acquisitions at year-end are justified and can be linked to operational
- delays in delivery are followed up, and goods are inspected on delivery;
- quality and testing is performed, as appropriate, of materiel and
equipment; and
- delays in acquisition are identified and appropriate corrective actions
instituted to minimize further delay and avoid similar delays in future.
3.1.2 Examine a sample of materiel procurement transactions to
ensure the procedures per 3.1.1 are in place and are working. Assess the
efficiency and effectiveness of these procedures.
3.1.3 Assess the effectiveness of the interface between the
department and PWGSC for non-delegated procurement authority.
3.1.4 Determine whether life-cycle costing techniques have
been used, where appropriate, in selecting from alternative options for
acquisition of major assets or classes of assets. Determine if commercially
available items have been acquired unless it is absolutely essential to have
items customs made.
3.1.5 Assess the cost-benefit of the procedures and controls
in use and the level and costs of controls in the context of the value and
type of materiel.
3.1.6 Determine if effectiveness of service to users is
monitored and reviewed. Assess the user satisfaction with the materiel
services being provided by the department and PWGSC.
Part 4 Operation, Utilization and Storage
4. The operation, utilization and storage of materiel
is efficient, effective and timely.
Criteria (T.B. Materiel Management
4.1 (a) The allocation, distribution, and scheduled use of
materiel is based on program or operational needs and requirements assessment,
and reallocations are made in cases of under-utilization;
- materiel consumption, rates of use, and performance measurement
standards are monitored and reviewed;
- records are maintained, using automated information systems where
practical and cost-effective, in order to track inventory and to monitor
costs, utilization including the level of materiel turnover, losses, and
equipment performance; and,
- The carrying costs of inventory (including warehousing) is
identified, assessed, and reported to senior management.
Review Procedures
4.1.1 Determine whether there is a linkage between materiel on
hand and the actual delivery or service of a program or an operation by:
- reviewing the links between good materiel management policies and
procedures and program delivery or operations;
- identifying the level of efficiency in the utilization of key materiel
requirements; and
- identifying the variations to the timely and effective provision of key
materiel requirements.
4.1.2 Determine whether procedures exist to allocate,
distribute, and schedule the use of materiel based on requirements
assessments. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of these procedures, eg.
is consideration given to reducing the number of varieties of an item to
permit more efficient allocation and/or scheduling?
4.1.3 Determine whether materiel consumption and rates of use
are monitored and reviewed. Assess whether this information is used in order
to effect improvements. Assess whether the monitoring includes measures such
as feasibility studies to examine the potential for pooling and reallocation
4.1.4 Determine whether cost-effective reallocations are made
if under-utilization takes place.
4.1.5 Determine whether records are maintained to track
inventory and to monitor costs, utilization, losses, and equipment
4.1.6 Determine whether financial records accurately reflect
materiel inventories.
4.1.7 Determine whether information systems identify complete
carrying costs of inventory, whether carrying costs exceed potential benefits,
and whether adequate reports are made to senior management.
4.1.8 Determine whether the use of automated information
systems has been considered for materiel records, including general materiel
management performance information.
4.1.9 Examine the materiel records per 4.1.5 and test selected
data to ensure the records are complete, accurate and up-to-date. Assess
whether the information provided by such records satisfies the requirements
and level of service required by departmental managers, eg. is the information
considered useful?
4.1.10 Determine whether person(s) have been assigned
responsibility for reviewing materiel
records, materiel consumption and rates of use, and
determine whether the authority of such person(s) to effect corrective
actions is appropriate.
4.1.11 Examine a sample of records to ensure that all goods
which should have been reallocated
have in fact been reallocated.
4.1.12 Determine whether there is a linkage between the
requirements assessment (per Review
Objective #2) and the actual use of materiel. Determine
whether the use of materiel is consistent with the requirements assessment.
Criterion (T.B. Materiel
Management Policy)
4.2 Equipment is kept in good working order by planning and
scheduling equipment inspection, testing and maintenance, and retaining
maintenance records.
Review Procedures
4.2.1 Determine whether procedures exist for the planning and
scheduling of equipment inspection, testing and maintenance.
4.2.2 Determine whether equipment maintenance records are
maintained, and whether information contained therein includes:
- planned inspection, testing and maintenance;
- actual inspection, testing and maintenance;
- maintenance costs; and
- details of equipment performance and time lost, if any, awaiting
4.2.3 Determine who, if anyone, has been given responsibility
for reviewing maintenance records, and that this information is used
effectively. Determine whether there is a linkage of this information to the
materiel forecasting process. (Refer to Review Procedures 2.2.2.)
4.2.4 Determine whether maintenance records are analyzed for
purposes of assessing economies and efficiencies. For example, are maintenance
records examined for suggestions of possible improvements in equipment or its
utilization? Further, are costs of maintenance contracts compared to the
actual costs of repairs in order to determine economical approaches to
Criteria (T.B. Materiel Management
4.3 (a) Inventory levels are optimum in relation to service
and program delivery requirements and to the cost inherent in holding inventory;
- Materiel, including hazardous materiel, is adequately safeguarded
against damage, loss and theft; and
- Loans of materiel comply with statutes or regulations, and are
appropriate regarding operational circumstances.
Review Procedures
4.3.1 Determine whether inventories have been analyzed as to
the levels necessary to sustain program delivery and operational efficiency,
in comparison to the costs inherent in holding inventory, eg. by cost-benefit
analysis. Assess whether the analysis is reasonable. Determine if commercially
available items have to be kept in inventory.
4.3.2 Examine procedures and documentation ensuring that users
assume responsibility for the proper operation and safekeeping of materiel
that has been assigned to them. Review the procedures and documentation with a
sample of users to ensure the responsibilities for operation and safekeeping
are understood (refer also to 1.1.1).
4.3.3 Determine whether a departmental security plan has been
established for the safeguarding of materiel including provision for periodic
verifications of inventories. Assess the reasonableness of security measures,
eg. are the costs of security controls reasonable in relation to the nature
and value of the materiel?
4.3.4 Determine whether procedures for reporting damages or
losses exist and have been followed, including the procedures for reporting of
the losses in the Public Accounts. Also determine whether instances of damage
or loss of materiel have been investigated. Assess whether information on the
volume and value of damages or losses has been used to initiate corrective
4.3.5 Examine procedures for the safeguarding and handling of
dangerous, hazardous or controlled substances to ensure compliance to
applicable regulations. (Refer to discussion in Chapter Two under Planning.)
4.3.6 Examine policies procedures and documentation on the
loan of materiel to ensure compliance with statutes or regulations, eg.
Personal Property Loan Regulations.
4.3.7 Determine whether the absence of materiel which is out
on loan interferes with or impedes the delivery of government services.
4.3.8 Determine whether all costs associated with loans,
including any refurbishing of the assets, are paid by the borrower, except in
the case of loans of materiel for use in the performance of government
Part 5 Replacement and Disposal
5. Replacement and disposal of materiel is economic
and efficient.
Criterion (T.B. Materiel
Management Policy)
5.1 Opportunities are identified for the reallocation or
disposal of excess materiel.
Review Procedures
5.1.1 Determine whether information systems exist to identify
and determine excess materiel. Determine whether there are procedures for
identifying opportunities for the reallocation or disposal of excess materiel,
and assess the adequacy of such procedures in relation to their frequency,
completeness of coverage, and costs.
5.1.2 Determine if mechanisms are in place to identify the
status of materiel (eg. in use or in storage) and to specifically identify
materiel which is at the disposal stage of its life-cycle. Determine how the
organization knows what surplus materiel it holds and where it is held.
5.1.3 Determine if authorities under the Surplus Crown Assets
Act are delegated to responsibility centres and decision-makers such that
incentives are provided for sound disposal management. Identify the overall
incentives in place in the organization for effective management of the
disposal activity, eg. are returns from disposal going back to
5.1.4 Examine disposal practices for due regard to
environmental responsibilities. Determine if environmental management
considerations are included in the identification of opportunities for
disposal of excess materiel. For example, environmental regulation of some
controlled substances such as ozone depleting CFCs and halons make it
increasingly costly to use and to service some equipment. Determine if
life-cycle analysis of such equipment, e.g. refrigeration units (CFCs) or fire
suppression systems (halons), includes costs of environmental compliance, as
well as determining optimal time of disposal for optimal return to the Crown.
5.1.5 Determine what information is available to
responsibility centre managers and decision-makers on key performance aspects
of the disposal activity, such as:
- analysis of the cost of disposing of materiel;
- comparisons between alternative disposal methods;
- actual performance versus targets for reduction of surplus materiel;
- actual returns versus targets from proceeds of disposals;
- nalysis of impact of disposal of surplus materiel on other costs (eg.
- overhead) as well as on service delivery; and
- identification of environmental considerations and costs.
Assess whether responsibility centre managers and
decision-makers have information available to identify and analyze
opportunities for disposal in terms of achieving best overall value to the
5.1.6 Identify whether the organization has procedures in
place to manage the disposal of surplus materiel through trade-ins and
interdepartmental transfers, and if so whether these procedures conform to
appropriate departmental and Treasury Board requirements.
Criterion (T.B. Materiel
Management Policy)
5.2 Surplus materiel which is no longer needed is disposed,
as well as the storage space that becomes redundant.
Review Procedures
5.2.1 Determine if processes are in place that accurately
track and report on the status of surplus materiel, along with the status of
surplus materiel sent for disposal.
5.2.2 Determine if processes are in place to identify and
report on the storage space that is vacated as a result of disposals. Identify
whether analysis is made of unnecessary warehouse or storage space and
determine if unnecessary storage space is not retained. Examine whether any
warehouse or storage space has been eliminated due to more efficient disposal
of materiel.
5.2.3 Examine some disposal cases to identify the time and
costs associated with storing surplus materiel before it was disposed. Assess
whether disposals are timely, and whether storage costs are minimized.
5.2.4 Determine if the organization is using efficient
disposal alternatives. Assess the efficiency of disposal practices and/or
services used from disposal agents. Determine if the organization assesses
whether it is receiving best service from its own practices and/or disposal
5.2.5 Determine whether there are procedures for the write-off
and write-down of materiel, including appropriate approvals, and whether these
procedures are followed. Determine whether materiel which has been written-off
is disposed of through the proper channels.
Criterion (T.B. Materiel
Management Policy)
5.3 Materiel is disposed and replaced at optimum time in the
life-cycle to ensure that maximum benefits are achieved.
Review Procedures
5.3.1 Determine whether procedures exist and are used to
assess the optimum time to replace and dispose materiel that is no longer
economic to operate, and determine whether a cost-benefit analysis is
performed. Assess whether the analysis is reasonable.
5.3.2 Determine whether current disposal practices respond to
the requirements of the organization in an efficient and effective manner.
Determine if and how disposal practices are evaluated. For example, are there
mechanisms for:
determining target levels of surplus assets;
defining target returns to the Crown from disposals; and
comparing actual disposal results (elapsed time, proceeds,
costs) against disposal
strategies and targets.
5.3.3 Determine if there are effective practices in place for:
determining fair market value of surplus assets;
calculating the return to the Crown from disposals; and
calculating meaningful analysis of optimum time for
disposal to achieve maximum benefits.
5.3.4 Examine some disposals to determine if they have been
supported by analysis to maximize returns to the Crown. Assess whether the
organization is disposing of assets at the right time in order to get a good
return. Determine how the organization knows that it is getting a good return
(best value).
5.3.5 Determine if the manager responsible for disposing of
surplus assets is provided with an incentive to encourage timely disposal by
being permitted to expend from the Consolidated Revenue Fund(CRF) an amount
equivalent to the proceeds of disposal.
5.3.6 Determine how the organization identifies the degree of
public awareness and satisfaction regarding its disposal activities. Examine
the mechanisms in place to gauge public satisfaction, with emphasis on due
regard to fairness and honesty by the organization in its disposal activities.
5.3.7 Determine if there are evaluations of disposals in order
to provide information for future disposal analyses and decisions.
The following listing is only partial and does not attempt to
include all terms applicable to materiel management. The intent is to provide an
alphabetical glossary of the more frequently-used materiel management terms.
Anything of present or future value (measured in terms of
money) which is owned by a company or individual - may be tagible or
Élément d'actif
Consumable Item
Materiel that is expended or consumed in use and for which
no records are maintained after issue. Also known as "Expendable
* Article consommable
A difference in identification, condition, a surplus, or a
shortage in quantity between materiel and its associated records.
* Différence
The removal of surplus or waste materiel by sale,
trade-in, donation, transfer or destruction.
Materiel held in stock at storage facilities, and
including materiel undergoing repair or in the supply system pipeline.
* Stocks
Inventory Control
The control of material by means of established materiel
accounting and management methods and procedures.
* Gestion des stocks
The release of materiel pursuant to a properly authorized
requisition or instruction.
* Sortie
Materiel Life Cycle
The phases through which materiel assets pass including:
Assess and plan materiel requirements;
Operation, use and maintenance;
* Cycle de vie du matériel
Materiel Life Cycle Management
Management of the process phases that materiel moves
through. It includes a number of related functions, such as determining
requirements, cataloguing, acquisition, distribution, storage,
maintenance, and disposal of materiel, and the acquisition of related
services, with the purpose of achieving the greatest possible efficiency
and the least cost.
* Gestion du cycle de vie du matériel
Performance Requirement
Requirements that define what the product or service is to
* Exigences de rendement
The process of responsibility of obtaining materials,
supplies, or services for any business operation, including the actual
process of purchasing,the preparation of specifications, the submitting of
invitations to bid, inspection of materials, etc.
* Achats
Procurement Lead Time
The total lead time required to obtain a purchased item.
Included are purchasing lead time, vendor lead time, transportation time,
receiving, inspection and put-away time.
* Délai d'approvisionnement
Quality Assurance
Specifies the quality assurance requirements for materiel
being procured.
* Assurance de la qualité
The deletion from records of materiel due to shortage or
loss by any cause.
* Radiation
The following list provides additional issues that may be
addressed in a review of furniture and furnishings:
Is there a framework supported by appropriate guidelines, and
performance standards for procurement, use and disposal of furniture and
furnishings? Do staff understand what is expected of them?
Are current and future organizational needs and changes
translated into requirements and are these requirements further defined
specifically for furniture and furnishings. Is there a linkage of the
requirements to employee productivity and performance?
Do requirements for furniture and furnishings consider factors
such as:
- functionality and contribution to productivity
- ergonomic principles
- equitable distribution
- space and cost savings
- compatibility and adaptability
- reuse, recycle and repair
- avoidance and reduction in moving costs.
Are there standards in place to guide the procurement of
furniture and furnishings? Do these standards assess the performance, quality,
safety and life-cycle costs of the furniture and furnishings? Are these
requirements further translated into a purchasing strategy for furniture and
furnishings? Are purchases consistent with the procurement strategy?
Is there appropriate training provided to staff on the use of
the furniture and furnishings? Are objectives such as functionality, cost
avoidance, compatibility, etc. clearly communicated to staff?
Are there mechanisms in place to monitor the impact of furniture
and furnishings on the performance of employees, level of service, sick leave
and illnesses?
Are there processes which maintain an account of surplus
furniture and furnishings and initiates the transfer of such materiel when
appropriate requirements exist?
Is there an equitable distribution of furniture and furnishings
in accordance with departmental policies and directives, and is there an
appropriate balance of equity and functionality?
The following list provides additional issues to be considered
in a review of motor vehicles:
Are the policies and procedures in place sufficient to manage
the fleet in accordance with the life-cycle approach to materiel management and
generally accepted fleet management practices? Are there mechanisms in place to
assess compliance? Are the policies results-oriented?
Is there a long-term and short-term strategy for the motor
vehicle fleet and is this strategy linked into current and future organizational
and program requirements? Does the planning of the motor vehicle fleet take into
account operational requirements such as:
- duties to be performed by the employee;
- the modifications of these duties over the short and long-term;
- the quantity and type of motor vehicles;
- the resources and equipment required to maintain the fleet;
- administration costs of fleet management; and
- use of alternative modes of transportation.
Are procurement practices based on appropriate cost/benefit
analysis and consistent with generally accepted fleet management practices? Does
the cost/benefit analysis include due regard for alternatives, including use of
other modes of transportation?
Are there information systems in place which allow for fleet
cost analysis and the development of customized analysis that shows the costs of
various methods of financing motor vehicles (eg. purchase, lease, rental)?
Is lease versus buy analysis properly prepared including factors
such as the cost of support services and maintenance contracts, obsolescence,
organizational and program changes and their impact on future requirements?
Do vehicle procurement decisions include due regard to
alternatives? Has the organization assessed the appropriate alternative means of
transport, eg. buy, lease, employee use of own vehicle, public transit, and
commercial air, rail or bus?
Are there adequate procedures in place to monitor the following:
- use of government vehicles for purposes of calculating the taxable
benefits to the employee;
- use of private motor vehicles for government business and using that
information in acquisition decisions;
- locating and tracking of vehicles within the fleet throughout a
geographical area;
- fuel costs over time and cost-benefit analysis of alternative forms of
- impact of the fleet on environmental, health and safety issues;
- level of utilization of vehicles and comparison to standards;
- relationships between usage patterns and function of fleet maintenance,
repairs and placements; and
- the full life-cycle costs?
Is management controlling the costs of every life-cycle stage of
fleet management and is the cost information reported accurate, timely and
useful? Are mechanisms in place to monitor the use and costs of departmental
vehicles and to use this information as part of the acquisition decisions as
well as decisions for disposal of vehicles?
Is there adequate physical security over the fleet and is access
to the fleet restricted to authorized users only? Does unauthorized use of
government motor vehicles result in disciplinary action?
Are there vehicles which are under/over utilized? Does the
department track and follow up on utilization information? Is utilization
information compared to norms or expectations and is it used in decisions on
fleet composition? Is "pooling" of vehicles maximized?
Is there room for greater standardization in the fleets to take
advantage of reduced acquisition, operating and administration costs and provide
consistent and simplified monitoring of the fleet? Are relationships and trends
such as function and usage patterns, maintenance and repairs monitored?
Are surplus vehicles disposed of in a manner that maximizes
return to the Crown, eg. vehicles are disposed of in a timely manner and at the
right time in the vehicle life cycle and the model year.
Is there compliance with provincial regulations for licensing
and other requirements, eg. for safety, environment, etc.?
Has the impact of vehicle use on travel expenses been analyzed?
For example, where vehicle use and costs have changed, has there been an
opposite, counterbalancing change in travel transportation expenses?
Is the department following the Federal Identity Program
requirements, eg. use of the Canada wordmark? Do all departmental vehicles have
decals advising against unauthorized use? What is the infrastructure cost to
support vehicles?
Commercial acquisition cards are a quick and convenient way to
make local purchases. Treasury Board Policy encourages the use of acquisition
cards where this streamlines the acquisition process, while keeping sufficient
controls to ensure prudence and probity in their use by federal government
The policy for the use of acquisition cards is governed by:
Treasury Board Manual
Financial Management Volume
Chapter 3-9
The following list provides additional issues that a review of
the use of acquisition cards may consider.
Is there an overall framework in place for procurement through
the use of acquisition cards? Is this framework supported by appropriate
departmental guidelines, controls and performance standards for the use of the
Is there appropriate direction on the use of acquisition cards
and are the limitations (re dollar limits, travel, and motor vehicles) on their
usage clearly defined and communicated to cardholder? Have all cardholder signed
a completed "Employee Acknowledgement of Responsibilities and Obligations
Form" (or similar document)?
Is the use of acquisition cards in compliance with departmental
cash and procurement management practices as well as in compliance with
departmental and Treasury Board policies?
Is there information reported to allow management to monitor and
evaluate the usage of the cards to assess:
- compliance with policies and criteria for their use;
- costs and savings incurred through their use;
- trends in their use, including trends which detect possible misuse;
- overall impact on the procurement process, such as the impact on order
leadtime and the impact on purchasing habits; and
- performance against standards or expectations?
Is there an appropriate degree of "spot checks" to
ensure the integrity of the use of cards? Are cases of lost or stolen cards
immediately followed up? Are cases of misuse of cards followed by corrective or
disciplinary action, as appropriate to the circumstances?
Are there appropriate reconciliation procedures to ensure the
validity of credit card charges? This would include the adequacy of
documentation maintained for reconciliation and audit purposes.
Are there effective follow-up mechanisms to manage the misuse,
disputes and inefficiencies in the acquisition card process?
Is the use of cards being promoted as a means to streamline
purchasing? Are cards used to the maximum extent, where applicable, to achieve
savings in the purchasing process?
Given that the acquisition card is the most efficient method of
payment, what steps are in place to ensure that the less efficient methods (i.e.
petty cash and LPO) are gradually eliminated and replaced by acquisition cards?
Are controls in place to detect instances of purchase splitting
in order to avoid purchasing limits?
Are there cancellation procedures in place to ensure that cards
are returned when an employee is transferred or leaves the organization?
Inventory has many unseen costs, including the cost of warehouse
or storage space; the cost of capital tied up in inventory, loss of value or
effectiveness while in storage, etc. Treasury Board policy encourages
departments and agencies to reduce their inventories and thereby reduce the
overall costs to government. This can usually be achieved without negative
impact on operations through alternative means of securing the supply of
materiel. For example, greater use can be made of "just in time"
delivery, standing offers, local purchasing, etc.
The following list provides additional issues that may be
considered in a review of materiel management that looks at reducing inventory
Are there effective processes in place to forecast short-term
and long-term inventory requirements? Have alternatives to inventories been
Is there an efficient and effective strategic decision process
for the holding of inventories? Does the process integrate current/future
organization requirements, aspects of the other stages of materiel life-cycles,
and all types of material? Does the process consider alternatives to
Is the inventory management process streamlined and automated
such that cost-effective inventory investment decisions are made? Are approval
processes and levels of spending delegations such that cost-effective inventory
management practices are promoted?
Is there a full costing (imputed or actual) of inventory and are
these costs allocated to the responsibility centres initiating the management
decisions to incur those costs? Have the costs of alternatives been compared to
full inventory costs? For example, are the extra costs of buying off the
suppliers' shelves as the need arises cheaper than the costs of keeping
inventory on our own shelves?
Are the level of resources dedicated to inventory management
optimal given the nature, volume and value of the inventory? Are the costs of
these resources visible to users of the inventory?
Are there systems in place which provide timely and accurate
performance information on:
- target levels of inventory by type
- status of inventory
- cost of inventory by type of cost and type of inventory
- actual rate of inventory consumption by product line and organizational
unit compared against standard;
- turnover statistics;
- waste and theft statistics;
- costs associated with ordering inventory;
- volume activity and trends analysis; and
- overall impact of inventory management decisions on program delivery and
levels of service.
Are there mechanisms in place which utilize the performance
information to monitor and evaluate the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of
inventory management? Does the organization strive to improve performance by
eliminating its inventory wherever it is economical and practical?
Are commercially available items purchased directly wherever
possible? Does the organization minimize its inventories of commercially
available items?
Are items in inventory regularly checked to determine usage, and
to assess whether the items really need to be in inventory? Where items must be
held in inventory for operational purposes, are quantities minimized?
Are end users paying for the full cost of holding items in
inventory? Are overheads such as the cost of inventory storage space, warehouse
security, time and machinery costs of handling and transport, being charged to
end users? Have end users compared the full costs of items from inventory to the
costs of alternatives?
Does the organization perform investment analyses to ensure that
the total value of benefits exceed the costs of maintaining inventories? Are
these analyses based on clearly defined criteria and cost elements, and are they
consistent with generally accepted investment management practices.
Do transfer prices and/or cost allocations for inventory items
promote the economic and efficient use of inventory? Do they include full costs,
direct and indirect, whether actual or imputed, eg. interest costs for carrying
materiel in inventory? Are full costs visible to end users?