Commissioners' Biography
Jack P. Blaney, Commissioner
In 2001 the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appointed Jack P. Blaney as a Commissioner, International Joint Commission (IJC). The IJC is a treaty organization created in 1909 by Canada and the United States to help resolve and settle transboundary water and air issues. Prior to this appointment Dr. Blaney was President of Simon Fraser University.
The British Columbia Legislature in May 2003 appointed Jack Blaney as Chair of the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform. This Assembly of 160 randomly invited British Columbians will review British Columbia's electoral system and determine whether the voting system should be changed and, if so, in what way. Any recommendation will go to the people of British Columbia as a referendum question.
Until recently, Jack Blaney was also Chair, Fraser Basin Council. This council brings together all levels of government, including First Nations, and the private and civil sectors of society, so that together they may resolve sustainability questions in British Columbia's Fraser River Basin.
In addition, Dr. Blaney is co-creator and founding director of Action Canada, a unique public-private partnership whose mission is to identify and nurture future leaders for Canada.
Prior to these appointments, Jack Blaney held several positions at Simon Fraser University, including President, Vice President of Harbour Centre and External Relations, and Dean of Continuing Studies. From 1962 to 1974, Dr. Blaney held several appointments at the University of British Columbia. During 1960-1961, he taught school in Osoyoos, B.C.
Dr. Blaney was born and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. His first two degrees were from The University of British Columbia (history, geography, educational psychology) and he earned his doctorate in instructional design and program evaluation from the Graduate School of Education, University of California at Los Angeles.
To date Jack Blaney's career has largely been in higher education, serving both The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. His chief educational initiatives concerned bringing together university and community so that the full resources of each would be available to the other. In this work Jack Blaney increased access to degree completion opportunities, created special undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as liberal arts and professional programs for adults. He also led the creation of Simon Fraser University's major downtown campus (1989) and of the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue (2000), a centre which earns world-wide acclaim for its design and support for dialogue.
Jack Blaney has served on a variety of community boards, such as the Vancouver Museum and Planetarium and the Vancouver Police Department. He is the recipient of several national and regional honours, including an Honorary Doctor of Laws (UBC), the Order of British Columbia and the Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Public Service.