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Section Title: Work Temporarily in Canada

Working Temporarily in Canada


Every year, over 90,000 foreign workers enter Canada to work temporarily to help Canadian employers address skill shortages. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) ensure that these workers will support economic growth in Canada and create more opportunities for all Canadian job seekers.

In almost all cases, you must have a valid work permit to work in Canada.

These steps must be followed before you apply for a work permit:

  1. An employer must first offer you a job.
  2. HRSDC must normally provide a positive labour market opinion of your job offer. However, some types of work are exempt from this process.
  3. After HRSDC confirms that a foreign worker may fill the job, you apply to CIC for your work permit.

To get a work permit, you must fill out an Application for Work Permit. A work permit is issued if the application is approved.

You cannot immigrate with a work permit. If you want to come and live in Canada as a permanent resident based on your work skills or experience, see if you qualify for the Skilled Worker Program.

Foreign workers may do some jobs in Canada without a permit. Check to see if you can work in Canada without a permit.

Because of certain free trade agreements, some business people may work in Canada without a work permit.

The Worker’s Role: Temporary workers must also meet the requirements that apply to all temporary residents in order to come to Canada. Find out what you must do before working in Canada.

The Employer’s Role: Before a foreign worker may work in Canada, you, as an employer, must check with HRSDC to obtain a positive labour market opinion for the job offer you have made to the foreign worker. Find out what you must do before you can hire a foreign worker.

Temporary Foreign Worker: Guide for Employers
This guide, designed specifically for employers seeking to hire temporary foreign workers, takes the employer through a step-by-step approach on the application process, the information required when submitting an application, and points of contact for employers looking for guidance at any time during the application process.

What HRSDC will do: HRSDC’s role is to provide advice to CIC regarding the impact on the Canadian labour market that the entry of a foreign worker will have.

The Live-in Caregiver Program
A live-in caregiver is someone who provides care to children, the elderly or the disabled in a private household. After working two years as a live-in caregiver, you can apply to be a permanent resident of Canada. Learn how you can apply for the Live-in Caregiver Program.

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