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Destination Europe : Youth on the Move is a tool for young Canadians & Europeans seeking work, study and travel opportunities on both sides of the Atlantic.
Check out youth ...
on the move!

Canada's Relationship with the European Union

Canada  EU logoFor over 27 years, Canada & the European Union have worked together to foster cooperation & develop common ground on both sides of the Atlantic. Today, the EU represents Canada's second largest trade & investment partner & a natural ally on many foreign policy & security issues.

In 2004, as European Union representation grows to a total of 25 nations, Canada recognizes Europe's growing status as a world power & reaffirms its commitment to close cooperation with EU partners in pursuing common goals in key areas such as trade and investment, people to people links & global issues.

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Canada and the European Union

Europe is Canada's second largest economic partner and we share similar views on a broad range of current major issues...

Canada's Mission to the European Union

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