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Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists

Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists
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  1. Contact Us
  2. Links
  3. What's New
  4. About Us
  5. Registration Process
    1. Registration Guide
    2. Lobbyists Registration System: User manual
    3. Create a Lobbyist Registration System Account
    4. New Registrations, Amendments, Terminations and Renewals
    5. Lobbyists Registration and Service Fees
    6. Interpretation Bulletins
  6. Public Registry of Lobbyists
    1. Search the Public Registry
    2. Reports from the Public Registry
    3. Recent Registrations
  7. Code of Conduct
    1. Lobbyists' Code of Conduct
    2. Annual Reports on the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct
    3. The Issue of Chinese Walls
    4. Rule 8 - Improper Influence - Lobbyists and Leadership Campaigns
  8. Annual Reports and Statistics
    1. Annual Reports on the application of the Act
    2. Annual Reports on the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct
    3. Statistical Reports
  9. Acts, Regulations & Other Documents
    1. Lobbyists Registration Act (R.S., 1985, c. 44, 4th Supp.)
    2. Parliamentary review of 2001
    3. Amendments not in force (C-15)
    4. Lobbyists Registration Regulation
    5. Proposed new Regulation (December 2004)
  10. Archives

Created : 2005-05-29
Updated : 2006-04-04
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