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Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island


Welcome to the Department

About us, Minister, employee directory and employment opportunities.

Programs and Curriculum

Programs, curriculum/courses and learning outcomes, and international programs.

Supports and Services for Learners

Learning supports such as student loans, tutoring and supports for students with special educational needs.

Learning and Teaching Resources

Resources to support learners, parents and educators.
Accreditation, Certification and Qualifications

Graduation requirements and standards for trades, occupations and institutions.

Professional Development

Resources to support professional growth among educators and staff.
Policy and Planning

Legislation, policy and plans.

Research and Evaluation

Statistics, reports and studies.
Learning Institutions

Early learning centres, schools, and post secondary institutions.

Related Links

School Boards/Districts and other departments of education.

The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
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