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 Hyperlinking from and to an Environment Canada  Internet site

Linking from an Environment Canada site
Linking to an Environment Canada site

 Assessment Criteria for Hyperlinking from an Environment  Canada site

Prior to adding an external hyperlink on any Environment Canada Internet page, it must be assessed against the following criteria:

  1. the content of the site reflects the aims and objectives of Environment Canada and are consistent with its mandate or its federal counterparts.
  2. the creation of a link does not provide unfair competitive advantage through on-line endorsements of third party interests. Links are provided for convenience purposes only and are not an endorsement or rating of the content of the sites to which they are made.
  3. the site is not considered inappropriate due to its content or its affiliations.
  4. the content of the site complies with the laws of Canada, which includes such items as copyright, privacy, etc.
  5. the content of the site is kept current and accurate.
  6. the site must allow users to navigate back to the present site; they cannot block the user's return to this site by using embedded code or other techniques within the linked page that prevent the use of the browser "back" button.
  7. the site provides contact information that includes, as a minimum, two of the following:
    • e-mail
    • postal mail
    • phone number
    • TTY/TTD
  8. In addition, the site meets additional sub-site requirements as established by the information owner.

 Assessment Criteria for Hyperlinking to an Environment  Canada Internet site

Generally, Environment Canada encourages external sites to link to its Internet material. As such, any site can link to Environment Canada information or tools without prior permission, provided that:

  • Only textual hyperlinks are used for linking.
  • The official symbols of the GoC and the Environment Canada Federal Identity Program (FIP) signature are not used as navigational aids.
  • The official symbols of the GoC and the Environment Canada FIP signature appear on non-government sites only when they are used to identify a government contribution or participation in a collaborative arrangement.
  • The creation of a link does not confuse the user as to the source of the information through such practices as framing.
  • The link respects Environment Canada’s Copyright Notice.
  • The link does not suggest a partnership or arrangement with Environment Canada unless one has been formally negotiated.

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