What's New
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (TIOW) is a federal-provincial/territorial cost-shared initiative providing support to unemployed older workers in communities affected by significant downsizing or closures through programming aimed at reintegrating them into employment.
This month Service Canada is notifying employers and payroll professionals that use the laser printed version of the Record of Employment (ROE) about the phase-out of the ROE Laser product.
What's New in Labour?
- Release of the report of the Commission for the Review of Federal Labour Standards
Harry W. Arthurs, the Commissioner leading the Review of Federal Labour Standards, has submitted to the Minister of Labour, Jean-Pierre Blackburn, the Commission’s final report containing recommendations to modernize Canada’s labour standards.
Commission for the Review of Federal Labour Standards
Report of the HRSDC Chief Actuary to the Employment Insurance Commission on the Employment Insurance premium rate and Maximum Insurable Earnings for 2007
In accordance with section 65.3 of the Employment insurance Act, the chief actuary shall determine the premium rate for a year that, in the chief actuary's opinion, based on the information provided by the Minister of Finance under section 66.2, taking into account any regulations made under section 69 and any requests made by the Minister in accordance with subsection 65.3(2), should generate just enough premium revenue during that year to cover the payments that will be made under subsection 77(1) during that year. Also, in accordance with section 4 of the Employment Insurance Act the Maximum Insurable Earnings must be determined annually in accordance with the prescribed formula.
- Returns to college education: evidence from the 1990, 1995, and 2000 National Graduates Survey
Using data from the National Graduates Survey ant the Census, this research paper examines earnings of recent college graduates by field of study as well as estimates the internal rates of return to college education.
- Returns to University Level Education: Variations Within Disciplines, Occupations and Employment Sectors
Using data from the National Graduates Survey ant the Census, this research paper examines earnings of recent college graduates by field of study as well as estimates the internal rates of return to college education.
September 2006
August 2006
June 2006
May 2006
The New Horizons for Seniors Program is accepting applications from May 16 to July 14, 2006. The program funds community-based projects across Canada that encourage seniors to contribute to their communities through social participation and active living.
Service Canada has upgraded the 53 week Record of Employment on the Web service (ROE Web) for Canadian business. The upgraded version is now compatible with Macintosh computers. In addition, a new feature will enable ROE information to be imported in an XML file to your payroll system. The imported data can then be used to issue amended ROEs in bulk – 53 week format only. Find out more about creating, amending and submitting Records of Employment using the ROE Web service.
- Incidence and Persistence of Early Literacy Problems: Evidence from the NLSCY, 1994-2000
The analysis of this paper employs data from the first three cycles of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth to analyze: 1) the factors associated with early literacy problems and 2) the persistence of early literacy problems.
The 2005 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report focuses on the period April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005. The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, tabled the report in Parliament on April 28th, 2006. The report, prepared by the Canada Employment Insurance Commission, monitors and assesses the impacts of the Employment Insurance system on the economy, communities and individuals.
April 2006
March 2006
News Release - Old Age Security Benefit Rates Effective April 1, 2006
News Release - The Honourable Diane Finley delivers keynote speech at Public Policy Forum Conference
The Workplace Information Directorate of the Labour Program publishes the Workplace Bulletin on-line. The March 15, 2006 issue has now been released.
One of the main features of this edition concerns major wage settlements for January 2006, in bargaining units of 500 or more employees, which provide base-rate wage adjustments averaging 2.5% annually over the contract term. The public-sector average for 7,600 employees in 7 agreements is 2.6%, while the private-sector wage increase is higher at 2.4% for 4,670 employees in 5 settlements.
Another entry states that the calendars of Collective Agreement Expiries and Reopeners for 2006 are now available on the Web site at Calendars of Expiries and Reopeners.
- News Release - Dedicated to Cooperation on Safe and Healthy Workplaces - Labour Ministers meet in Whistler
- Trends in Student Borrowing and Pathways: Evidences from the 1990, 1995 and 2000 Classes
This paper analyzed trends in student's choices regarding borrowing and pathways towards post-secondary education (PSE). Statistics based on cross sectional data from the three newest cohorts of the National Graduates Survey (1990, 1995 and 2000) were used to determine whether students altered their borrowing behaviour and the choice of pathways through PSE during the context of increasing costs of PSE.
- Coming in Spring 2006! Service Canada is upgrading the existing 53 week ROE Web to include a new import feature. This enhancement, in response to requests from vendors speaking on behalf of employers, will allow users to import ROE information in an XML file to their payroll system. Look for the addition of the import functionality soon. To find out more about ROE Web .
February 2006