In the event of an environmental emergency, immediately notify your local authorities (police or fire department), or the authorities shown below:
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Province | Telephone Numbers |
Newfoundland & Labrador | Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (709) 772-2083 (800) 563-9089 (accessible within province) |
Prince Edward Island | Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (800) 565-1633 |
Nova Scotia | Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (902) 426-6030 (within the Halifax area) (800) 565-1633 |
New Brunswick | Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (800) 565-1633 |
Quebec | Environment Canada (866) 283-2333 Ministry of the Environment of Quebec (866) 694-5454 |
Ontario | Ministry of the Environment - Spills Action Centre (416) 325-3000 (800) 268-6060 |
Manitoba | Ministry of the Environment (204) 944-4888 (call collect outside Winnipeg) |
Saskatchewan | Ministry of the Environment (800) 667-7525 |
Alberta | Ministry of the Environment (780) 442-4505 (800) 222-6514 (accessible within province) |
Northwest Territories | 24 hour Spill Line (867) 920-8130 |
Nunavut | 24 hour Spill Line (867) 920-8130 |
British Columbia | Provincial Emergency Program 1-800-663-3456 |
Yukon Territory | Yukon Department of the Environment (867) 667-7244 |
English | French |
CCG: Canadian Coast Guard | GCC: Garde côtière canadienne |
MOE: Ministry of the Environment MDDEP: (Qc): Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs | MENV: Ministère de l'environnement MDDEP: (Qc): Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs |
MCTS: Marine Communications and Traffic Services | SCTM: Services de communications et de trafic maritimes |
SAC: Spills Action Centre | CID: Centre d'intervention en cas de déversement |
PEP: Provincial Emergency Program | PPU: Programme provincial des urgences |