Third World Water Forum and Ministerial Conference Report and OutcomesThe success of the 1st World Water Forum in Marrakesh (1997) and the 2nd World Water Forum in The Hague (2000) helped to establish the World Water Forum as the key multilateral event for the discussion of water issues. The 3rd World Water Forum held in the three neighbouring Japanese cities of Kyoto, Osaka, and Shiga in 2003 continued with this success. The 3rd World Water Forum was held March 16-23, and concluded with a Ministerial Conference (March 22-23). The Forum and Conference agendas were intended to enable follow-up on the water components of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) and in particular on commitments related to safe access and basic sanitation. The eight-day Forum consisted of 351 sessions on 38 interlocking themes dealing with water. Discussions focused on balancing the increasing human requirement for adequate water supplies and improved health and sanitation with food production, transportation, energy, and environmental needs. Also key were the issues of effective governance, improved capacity, and adequate financing. The two-day Ministerial Conference consisted of follow-up discussion on these issues, the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration, and the launching of a Portfolio of Water Actions. The Forum also included Regional Days, which featured water issues in five different regions of the world, and a number of other activities. More than 24 000 participants attended the event, including representatives from 182 countries, as well as participants from UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, academia, business and industry, youth organizations, and media outlets. The 3rd World Water Forum in detail: |
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