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Planet Update, the syndicated radio feature produced by Environment Canada and aired on radio stations across Canada, has been discontinued. However, we are pleased to offer EnviroZine, Environment Canada's monthly online newsmagazine which publishes reliable and comprehensive information on today's environmental issues.

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We would like to thank Planet Update subscribers for their loyalty and interest during the last several years and would encourage you to browse this Web site to view previous features on the science, research, successes and issues at Environment Canada.

Water Day    MP3 (1.45 Kb .MP3) RealAudio (262 Kb .RM)

March 22nd is World Water Day …and marks the beginning of a UN International Decade for Action that will be guided by the theme “Water for Life”.
It’s a good time to learn more about water…and about conservation!
Water doesn’t just instantly renew itself. In fact, once evaporated, a water molecule spends about 10 days in the air.
more information on Water Day

Car Sharing    MP3 (1.45 Kb .MP3)  RealAudio (262 Kb .RM)

It costs over 8 thousand dollars a year to own a car…but for many that car is only needed part of the time. For those who drive less than 12 thousand kilometres a year, don’t need a car for commuting, only occasionally need a second car and want to reduce emissions by one tonne, the answer may be car-sharing!
more information on Car Sharing

Fraser River Estuary    MP3 (1.45 Kb .MP3) RealAudio(262 Kb .RM)

Over two million shorebirds use British Columbia’s Fraser River Estuary for feeding, migration stopover and as a home – making it one of the key shorebird sites in the Americas. Recognizing the importance of the area, the Council of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network has approved a nomination to designate the estuary as a Hemisphere site.
more information on Fraser River Estuary

New Brunswick Sea Levels   MP3 (1.45 Kb .MP3)  RealAudio (262 Kb .RM)

A changing climate will make itself felt in many different ways in Canada -- it will be different in the prairies, the Arctic along the Great Lakes and near the oceans.
In New Brunswick, there is already evidence of rising sea levels in the southeastern part of the province. It is expected this will accelerate as the result of the warming effect of climate change.
more information on New Brunswick Sea Levels

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