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What You Can Do


Many communities are engaged in ecological observation and reporting activities throughout the seasons. Known as ecological monitoring programs, they are a fun, interesting and valuable way for community groups, schools and others to learn about the environment, to care for nature and to work together for a sustainable future.

There are many ecological monitoring programs in Canada and elsewhere.
Choose from among the following:

You can Adopt an Animal through the Toronto Zoo:

Adopt–A–Pond gives you a chance to protect and sustain existing wetlands in your community:

Bird Studies Canada conducts surveys on loons and other birds all over the country:

Have a look at what the Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network is doing:

The Canadian Peregrine Foundation monitors Peregrine Falcons and their chicks:

You can even do ecological monitoring in your own backyard! Click here for more activities with the Canadian Wildlife Federation:

Find out what the Citizens Environment Watch is doing:

Environment Canada and the Canadian Nature Federation bring you a suite of four programs to monitor ecosystem health in your own backyard or community.

Learn all about Frog watching! Register as a Frogwatch observer:

Monarch Watch is dedicated to helping monarch butterflies by following their migration:

Spring into action by collecting the blooming time of plants across Canada

Do you want something interesting to do during Canada's long winters? Project FeederWatch participants count the birds at their feeders and submit their data:

Have your local schools participate in Rescue Mission Planet Earth: Indicators for Action project, where the school community assesses the sustainability of an area based on 16 sets of indicators:

Become a Skywatcher like "Cloudy":

Check out EnviroZine, Environment Canada's online newsmagazine for articles about important lifestyle choices you can make in order to maintain a healthy environment.

These sites will provide you with valuable information for planning your ecological monitoring activity:

Resources for greening your backyard:




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