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Climate Change
What You Can Do

Energy Use
Use Energy Wisely
  • Select the energy saving dry cycle on your dishwasher.
  • Dispose of your 20 year old refrigerator and replace it with an Energy Star® model. http://oee.rncan.gc.ca/residential/personal/index.cfm
  • Turn if off when you're not using it.
  • Try energy–efficient light bulbs.
  • Regularly service all appliances and change filters as directed.

The Ontario Government's "Simple Energy–Saving Tips for Your Home" can be found on the front page of this web site: http://www.energy.gov.on.ca/index.cfm?fuseaction=english.conservation

More tips and information:

Bon Voyage

Turn off the water heater when on vacation, and turn its regular heating temperature to 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) to avoid scalds and save money all year round.

A 15–watt compact fluorescent bulb produces the same amount of light as a 60–watt incandescent bulb. If every Canadian home replaced just one 60–watt light bulb with a 15–watt compact fluorescent bulb in a heavy use area, we would collectively save $63 million annually in energy costs and reduce our GHG emissions – equivalent to taking 66,000 cars off the road!

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