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  • Write letters to the editors of your local newspapers to make your views on environmental issues known. Large companies often circulate news clippings and articles to senior management in order to gauge public opinion.
  • Write letters to the presidents of companies to express your views about their polluting practices, praise them for their environmental responsibility, or encourage the manufacture and sale of environmentally–responsible products. Libraries are a good source of names and addresses or search http://www.canada411.com.
  • Write letters about environmental issues to the federal Minister of the Environment, your provincial Minister of the Environment, your local MP and MLA, your mayor, or school board.
  • When the federal, provincial or municipal government holds public consultation meetings or public hearings in your area on environmental issues, attend the meetings and express your views.
  • Your vote counts! When voting in municipal, provincial and federal elections, consider the environmental positions and practices of the candidates.

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