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Climate Change
What You Can Do

  • A Step Ahead. Use the stairs instead of the elevator for short trips. You'll save electricity and get some exercise too!
  • Garbage–free grub. Bring your lunch to work in reusable containers and take home recyclables and compostables if collection facilities don't exist at the office.
  • If your workplace does not have an organized recycling program, encourage your employer and fellow employees to start one. Organize one yourself by (a) establishing conveniently located collection sites, (b) providing collection boxes or containers, (c) informing and reminding co–workers of the sites, and (d) arranging for pick–ups by a recycling firm.
  • Try to have items that no longer work repaired, rather than discarding and replacing them, or donate them for repair and future use.
  • Encourage your employer to purchase and, if appropriate, manufacture products that are less harmful to the environment.
  • Follow and encourage environmentally safe practices in the storage, use and disposal of hazardous wastes at the work site.
  • Team up! If your workplace does not have car pools, volunteer to organize one.

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