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Section Title: Research and Statistics

Research and Statistics

Find the latest research and statistical information on citizenship and immigration trends.

* Research Plans and Reports
Access analytical research reports prepared to support Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s research program. Consult Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s strategic research framework and annual research plans.
* Metropolis
Read about this international forum for research and policy on migration and cities. Visit the Metropolis Web site.
* Citizenship and Immigration Statistics (1966-1996)
An annual publication that provides a statistical overview describing the immigration and citizenship programs. The publication of this report ceased into the production of the 1996 statistics.
* Facts and Figures
Consult Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s annual statistical publications to learn about new permanent residents to Canada as well as temporary residents entering Canada to work, study or for humanitarian and compassionate reasons.
* The Monitor
Read Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s on-line newsletter, The Monitor, to access quarterly statistics on new permanent residents, foreign workers and foreign students, as well as information on Canadian citizenship. Information on Canadian citizenship is temporarily unavailable due to the implementation of a new case management system.
* Technical Papers
Consult Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s evaluation and audit reports.
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