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Pay and Pension Services

We are Canada's largest payroll and pension administrator. Our objective is to enhance and improve compensation services for federal departments, agencies, and public service pensioners; to add value and to make the best possible use of taxpayers' money.
Important notice
Your Public Service Pension and Benefits - Easy access to authoritative Public Service pension and benefits information and tools.

Have you signed up for pay and pension secure Web applications?
Getting Started If you haven't, select the Getting Started button now.
You only have to sign up once to gain access to the secure web applications.

Sign-up is currently restricted to Government of Canada employees who are participating in the release of these services.

Already signed up?
If you have already signed up, select a pay or pension secure Web application from the list below. You must log in to a pay or pension service at least once every three months to keep your Online Registration Profile active.
Pay Services *
Key indicates a secure service  Statement of Earnings (Pay Stub)
Key indicates a secure service Gross to Net Regular Pay Estimate Calculator
Key indicates a secure service Voluntary Deductions
Pension Services *
  Your Public Service Pension and BenefitsNew
Key indicates a secure service  Employee Pension and Benefits Statement
  Pension Benefits Calculator
  Service Buyback Estimator
  Retirement Package
  Service Buyback Package 
  Pension Portability Package 
The key Key indicates a secure service.
Not available Saturday 6:00 p.m. to Sunday 1:00 p.m.
Eastern Time (ET).

A word of caution about shared technology:
If you are using a shared computer or working from a public place such as a library, you should ensure that you log out once you have completed your session so that none of your personal data is accessible to other individuals who will subsequently use the same computer. You must also be cautious about saving any personal information on the hard drive, which would also become accessible to other individuals. Also ensure to delete any outstanding print jobs when you conclude your session so that none of your personal information can subsequently be printed and be made available to other persons.

Broadcast Messages
Information Notices to Employees
2004/2005 Annual Report
Insurance: Benefits and Claims