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Reports on Plans and Priorities

Departmental Performance Reports


Welcome to PWGSC's Reports website. At this time, this site provides access to the department's Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports, and will be expanded in the future to contain other parliamentary and corporate reports.

Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP)

PWGSC's Report on Plans and Priorities is tabled in Parliament by the President of the Treasury Board normally every Spring. The RPP provides information on performance expectations and related resource requirements over a three-year period. It outlines how we will achieve key priorities such as the Parliamentary Precinct projects, Sustainable Development, Alternative Service Delivery and Government On-Line.

In this section you will be able to research RPPs dating back to 1997.

Departmental Performance Report (DPR)

The Department Performance Report is PWGSC's key instrument of accountability. The DPR acts as PWGSC's annual report card that informs Parliamentarians and Canadians whether the department has fulfilled the expectations outlined in its Report on Plans and Priorities.

Tabled every fall by the President of the Treasury Board, the DPR is a coherent and balanced view of performance - highlighting successes as well as identifying areas requiring improvement. The DPR is also designed to account for the resources used in fulfilling the department's commitments as well as explain the overall benefits for taxpayers.

In this section you will be able to research DPRs dating back to 1997.