Message from Tony Clement, Minister of Health
Influenza Immunization Awareness Month 2006
With colder weather just around the corner, it is time to focus on staying healthy during the inevitable flu season.
Influenza, or the "flu", is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians each year. Although most of these people recover completely, between four and five thousand Canadians can die of influenza and its complications annually, depending on the severity of the flu season. Seniors and those with chronic diseases are at the greatest risk.
The good news is that you can decrease your chances of getting the flu this winter by getting an influenza vaccination, known as the "flu shot". It is a safe and effective way to prevent the flu, reduce the spread of infection, or minimize the severity of the symptoms. The "flu shot" is especially important for health care and child care workers to protect themselves and avoid spreading the flu to the more vulnerable. In short, immunization saves lives.
As vaccines become available, I encourage all Canadians to protect themselves and their families from influenza by getting vaccinated.
As Minister of Health, I would like to thank the Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness and Promotion, and the provincial and territorial health authorities and wish all Canadians a healthy winter season.
Tony Clement
Minister of Health
Government of Canada
For more information, please visit It's Your Health.