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Public Service Commission Advisory Council

The Public Service Commission Advisory Council (PSCAC) was established in 1998. It is a consultative body whose participants are senior representatives from the Public Service Commission (PSC), Public Service bargaining agents, federal departments and agencies, as well as a Treasury Board observer, the Human Resources Management Agency and the Human Resources Council. A representative of the bargaining agents and a representative of the departments co-chair meetings of the Advisory Council.

The PSC Advisory Council provides a forum for discussing and consulting on Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) matters of common concern and interest, and for exchanging information and views. The PSCAC assigns issues to working groups, which report to the Council on their activities. Current priorities include mobility of the workforce, recourse, and oversight.

This Web site provides information on the PSC Advisory Council, working groups, as well as ongoing reports on the issues and activities undertaken by the PSCAC.

Last Modified: 2004-12-01 [ Important Notices ]