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NJC Directives

Jointly developed NJC Directives provide important benefits to employees and guide many aspects of work in the public service. These results include:

  • The Public Service Health Care Plan administered by a joint Trust which provides over $507 million in benefits annually to over one million Canadians
  • A dental insurance plan which reimburses over $621 in claims on average per employee in 2004
  • A disability insurance plan which delivered $223 million in 2004 in support to affected employees
  • A Travel Directive which covers aspects of employee business travel, including $1.3 billion in travel reimbursements
  • An Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive which helps employees in isolated location through travel support, rent assistance and $30 million in isolated post allowances
  • Foreign Service Directives which target $150 milion in payments to address the special needs of employees who serve Canada abroad
  • Bilingual bonuses, relocation payments, commuting allowances

All NJC Directives deemed to be part of collective agreements should be readily accessible to all employees at their workplace.

Last Modified: 2006-07-06 [ Important Notices ]