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Public Service Modernization Act Union-Management Advisory Committee (UMAC)

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Terms of Reference
Record of Decisions
Resource Documents
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Membership List

"...effective labour-management relations represent a cornerstone of good human resource management...collaborative efforts between the parties, through communication and sustained dialogue, improve the ability of the public service to serve and protect the public interest..."

Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA)

The PSMA Union-Management Advisory Committee (UMAC) has been created as an important forum for realizing the intent of the new legislation in an environment that promotes partnership. The UMAC is composed of seven (7) bargaining agent representatives at the President or Vice-President level and seven (7) management representatives at the Deputy Minister or Assistant Deputy Minister level. The objective of PSMA UMAC is to provide a forum for sr. level representatives to consult on matters of common interest and to exchange information and views related to the implementation of the PSMA.

Issues that could be covered by the PSMA UMAC will include the objectives of HR Modernization and its implementation strategy and plans. This forum will enable employee representatives to communicate to management their views on modernization subjects, initiatives and pilot projects of importance to them.

Terms of Reference

The PSMA UMAC is part of a broader governance structure for the implementation of the Public Service Modernization Act. At the heart of this structure is the Deputy Minister Human Resources Management Advisory Committee (DMHRMAC) mandated to:

  • provide strategic guidance and advice on the government's HRM agenda;
  • act as a sounding board for emerging issues and major initiatives
  • review policy coherence and inter-organizational alignment of priorities and resources;
  • evaluate progress and impact.

Advice from the DMHRMAC informs decisions taken by the Secretary of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, the President of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada, the President of the Public Service Commission and the President of the Canada School of Public Service.

Five Deputy Ministers subcommittees were established in support of the DM HRMAC in implementing the PSMA:

  • Staffing and Staffing Recourse
  • HR Systems
  • Labour Relations and Dispute Resolution
  • Communications, Learning and Culture Change
  • Accountability, Performance Management and Reporting

Most subcommittees include bargaining agent representation. Initial discussion of policy proposals are introduced by the TBS at the working groups reporting to the subcommittees. Many of these working groups also include union participants. The subcommittees and working groups receive expert support from the Human Resources Modernization Implementation Secretariat, a project office within the Public Service Human Resources Management Secretariat. Five bargaining agent representatives have been assigned to the HRMIS to participate in this supporting work.

Before the President, PSHRMAC or the Secretary of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat provides final advice to the government and senior decision-makers on PSMA implementation, major policy proposals of interest to Public Service bargaining agents will be reviewed by the PSMA Union Management Advisory Committee.

Secretariat support for the PSMA UMAC is jointly provided by the National Joint Council and the HR Modernization Implementation Secretariat.


Last Modified: 2006-07-06 [ Important Notices ]