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Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Prince Edward Island

Visit our Island Christmas website and enter our 25 days of Christmas contest, send an electronic Christmas card to a friend, write a letter to Santa, compose a Christmas list, get delicious recipes, carol lyrics, find an natural Island Christmas tree, and much more !!

Visiting the Island

  • make PEI your next place to visit


  • information, services and tenders


  • doing business on PEI


  • a wealth of information on PEI

Land and Sea

  • our primary industries

Learning and Skills

  • kindergartens to graduate studies


  • work on PEI

All about PEI

  • location, symbols, history

Economy and Statistics

  • about the PEI economy

Pictures and Videos

  • see our Island


  • about moving to PEI

Contact Us

  • contact the government

The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Please read our Copyright and Privacy Policies.