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Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

Action Required
Evidence of Compliance


Signed March 22, 1985
Ratified June 4, 1986
In force in Canada on September 22, 1988
In force internationally September 22, 1988


To establish a framework for co-operation, development of policies, and formulation of agreed measures in order to protect human health and the environment against adverse effects resulting or likely to result from human activities which modify or are likely to modify the ozone layer (art. 2[1][2]). Specific obligations relating to the control and elimination of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are contained in the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.


Canada is required to:

  • take appropriate measures to protect human health and the environment against adverse effects resulting from human activities which modify, or are likely to modify, the ozone layer;
  • initiate and co-operate with other Parties in the conduct of research and scientific assessments;
  • facilitate and encourage the exchange of scientific, technical, socio-economic, commercial, and legal information relevant to the Convention;
  • co-operate with other Parties in promoting the development and transfer of technology and knowledge; and
  • transmit to the Conference of the Parties (CoP) information on the measures adopted by them in the implementation of the Convention and Protocol.

Action Required

Environment Canada is the Lead Department and is responsible for implementing the commitments of the Vienna Convention.


Environment Canada regularly undertakes monitoring of stratospheric ozone levels and ultraviolet radiation. Environment Canada actively supports the expansion of the Global Ozone Observation System to the tropics and southern hemisphere, notably by participating in network meetings of the Latin American and Caribbean region and making presentations on UV-B radiation and its implications on human health and the environment. With respect to the non-scientific aspects of the Vienna Convention, these are being met by the implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Evidence of Compliance

The activities undertaken by Environment Canada mentioned above and in support of the Montreal Protocol demonstrate compliance to the Vienna Convention.

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