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You are here: Home > Help > Full Text Search

 Environment Canada - Full Text Search: Help

How to search
   · Language
   · Words
Technical information
   · Harvest and index
   · Language
   · Ranking
   · Words


Environment Canada's full text search engine (Search) helps you find information on Environment Canada's web site, the Green Lane TM. Type words or phrases in the search box to tell the search engine what you are looking for. The search engine looks through the index to identify web pages that relate to your choices, and responds by giving you a list of all the web pages that include your search words. Environment Canada's index includes web sites from the department's Regions, and Programs and Services. When you do a "full text" search of the department's web sites, the search engine looks for terms that are contained somewhere in the page, whether the words are visible in the page's content or stored "invisibly" in the code of the page. Search results are ranked according to the number of times the word appears in the document.


 How to Search


Any language

  • Retrieves the greatest number of records (documents that include the words being searched, whether the content of the page is written in English or French). Not all pages are identified in the index as being written in either English or French. Searching by a specific language will return a much smaller list of results. (See technical information about searching by language…)


  • Retrieves documents that are identified by the index as being written in English.


  • Retrieves documents that are identified by the index as being written in French.



All words

  • Retrieves documents that contain every word entered in the search box. Words will not necessarily be found together as a phrase, but all of the words will appear somewhere in the document. "All words" has been set as the default search method so that a more precise set of records will be retrieved (i.e. a search on water pollution will return pages that contain "water" and "pollution" but not pages that only have "pollution" with no reference to "water"). For searches where documents contain either one term or the other (but not necessarily both), use the "any word" search feature. (See technical information about searching by word…)

Any word

  • Retrieves documents that contain at least one of the words entered in the search. This is a good search to use when you are uncertain about what terms are likely to appear in a document. For instance, use "any word" if you want to retrieve documents on "endangered species" but are not sure which words are likely to be used on pages dealing with this topic. You could search for species wildlife animal risk endangered threaten - once you find out which words tend to appear on the pages you are looking for, you may want to narrow your search by using the more precise terms in your search and selecting "all words" or "exact phrase."

Exact phrase

  • Retrieves documents that contain words exactly as they are entered in the search. Use this type of search if you want to retrieve pages that contain the phrase "air pollution" rather than pages that simply contain both "air" and "pollution."


 Technical information

 Harvest and index

  • The search engine selects results from an index of Environment Canada's web sites. A harvest of the sites is conducted regularly to keep the index up-to-date.


  • The language of a page is identified by looking at the address of the web page (URL may contain _e or _f) or by the content in the language meta tags (<meta name="dc.language" scheme= "ISO639-2" content="eng"> or <meta name="dc.language" scheme="ISO639-2" content="fre">).


  • Results appear in order of relevancy and date modified. The number of times the search words appear in the document increases its relevancy; documents modified most recently also appear higher in the results listings.


  • Whether "any word," "all words," or "exact phrase" is selected, the words entered in the search box will appear somewhere in the pages retrieved. Words are either visible (in the body text, site navigation, etc.) or invisible (in the metadata - title, keywords, subject, description, creator, etc. - or in other information found in the code of the web page, which people do not normally see when viewing the page).


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