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This Green Lane web site provides a gate way to online Canadian legislation and regulations related to the environment.

From this site you can access the web sites of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), and Provincial and Territorial Legislatures and Ministries responsible for the environment. Where these jurisdictions provide online access to their statutes and regulations, these co-ordinates have also been provided.

On this web site, you will also find summaries of Federal Acts and regulations that are relevant to Environment Canada's programs and responsibilities. From each of the summaries, you can follow a link to the Department of Justice's data base, where you will be able to review the full text of the Act or regulation on line. You are cautioned that these office consolidations of the legal texts are not official versions of the law. The texts provided may not always be current nor up to date. (The date of the most recent revision is usually indicated in the header.)

If you wish to review proposed regulations, you may find them in the Canada Gazette Part I. You can verify whether or not a proposed regulation has been recently approved by checking the Order-in-Council web site. You may also determine the status of Bills before the House of Commons or Senate by visiting the Parliamentary Internet site

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