Find the 16 units and formations that are part of CANOSCOM by placing your cursor over each dot on the map below.
- CF Ammunition Depot Rocky Point - Victoria, BC
- 7 CF Supply Depot - Edmonton, AB
- CF Ammunition Depot Dundurn - Dundurn, SK
- CF Ammunition Depot Angus - Borden, ON
- CF Health Services Group - Ottawa, ON
- Canadian Materiel Support Group - Ottawa, ON
- Communication Reserve - Ottawa, ON
- 4 CF Movement Control Unit - Montreal, QC
- 3 Canadian Support Group - Montreal, QC
- 202 Workshop Depot - Montreal, QC
- 25 CF Supply Depot - Montreal, QC
- Joint Signal Regiment - Kingston, ON
- Joint Support Group - Kingston, ON
- CF Postal Unit - Astra, ON
- CF Ammunition Depot Bedford - Halifax, NS
- 1 Engineering Support Unit - Moncton, NB