The Official Languages Program Transformation Model
Official Languages - National Defence Annual Review 2005-2006 New Veterans Charter (Veterans Affairs Canada)- The New Veterans Charter will bring the most sweeping changes in sixty years to the veterans' benefits and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada – changes that will affect a great many CF members. Set to take effect 1 April 2006, the new Charter will emphasize wellness versus disability and will be supported by a whole new range of programs and services designed to respond to the needs of modern CF veterans and their families. In February 2004, the Ministers of National Defence and Veterans Affairs announced a recognition program for Canadian Veterans involved in chemical warfare agent experiments between the 1940s and the 1970s. We invite you to visit the new Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program (CWATRP) website. Please note the Website can be found on-line at: Impact on DND and the CF - Policy Update on Communications with the Public in both Official Languages The Chief of the Defence Staff Releases New CF Leadership Doctrine. On 08 Apr 05 the CDS announced the publication of new CF leadership doctrine in CANFORGEN 069/05. The new doctrine builds upon the professional concepts described in Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada and forms the basis of leadership education, training and practice throughout the Canadian Forces.
CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL POLICY STATEMENT New Compulsory Retirement Age for the CF ... [ For more information... ]