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What are RSS feeds and how are they useful?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds collect and deliver instant updates from your favourite websites to a centralized e-space. RSS feeds do not send messages to your e-mail account!

TIP: New to RSS? Read CHIN’s Steps on subscribing to an RSS feed.

CHIN's RSS feeds

To view CHIN's RSS feeds on your computer, you will first need to set up an RSS reader (see Steps on subscribing to an RSS feed, above). To subscribe, click on any of the orange RSS buttons below, copy the URL in the address bar of the newly opened browser window (at the top of screen), and paste it into your RSS reader.

RSSMuseum/Heritage Jobs
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RSSMuseum/Heritage News Releases

TIP: To learn how to set up an RSS feed from your institution's site, see CHIN's Getting the Word Out Using RSS.

TIP: Interested in seeing how museums are using RSS feeds? Have a look at these Museum RSS feeds.