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Ready! Agora - The VMC Learning Centre will replace the Virtual Museum of Canada Teachers' Centre. This pilot project aims to position Canadian museum content as an essential part of today's elementary and secondary classrooms. Using wikis, blogs, Web conferencing and other technologies, AGORA provides teachers with online learning tools and encourages knowledge sharing between museum educators and students.

Arts, History, Language, Science and Social Studies teachers will find Canadian museum content that meets the curriculum needs of their province or territory, offering new teaching ideas that bring Canadian museums to life in the classroom!

Set! From images to historical events, AGORA will offer primary and secondary teachers the opportunity to create their own space to communicate with their classes. Students will have password access to the content assembled by their teachers and can even complete assignments online.

Go! Through online participation, AGORA will provide a way of learning both in and out of the classroom. Stay tuned to find out when AGORA will be available for you to enjoy!

In the News
Agora - The VMC Learning Centre takes the test!
With the start of the new school year, a number of volunteer teachers have begun in-class testing of the upcoming pilot learning space. The current testing phase has allowed a group of educators and students to move towards a participative and interactive way of learning - while their valuable feedback and suggestions are leading to great improvements to the new pilot learning space. The VMC has introduced the Agora concept at educational conferences throughout the year, and continues to receive great interest from educators and teachers across the country!

Offering secure access, the virtual learning space will be equipped to serve as a meeting place where educators, learners and museum experts can share their work, ideas, and content. Teachers will be able to share their own lesson plans with other teachers, and they will be able to create dedicated spaces where they can post assignments and interact with their students. Rather than engaging in linear storytelling, the space will feature highly interactive educational components that can be extensively manipulated. Stay tuned, as more news and updates will be posted on this page!

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Find out more about the VMC Investment Program (for Museum Professionals)

Last update: 2006 11 24