Immerse yourself in Haida Culture
Totem Pole Pictures, Haida Art, Lifestyle, and More!
The Haida people make their home in the Queen Charlotte Islands
off the northern coast of British Columbia, which they call Haida
Gwaii, meaning "Islands of the People". Discover the world of the
Haida people, including Haida art, their history, and their way of
life at the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC)!
Haida Art
The beauty of Haida
art can be seen in VMC Exhibits
and the VMC Image Gallery when
browsing totem pole pictures, metal and slate carvings and weavings.
Amongst the many examples of artwork which depict the stories behind
their creation, be sure to look at the Killer
Whale People and the Dogfish
The VMC presents Our
World - Our Way of Life, a virtual exhibit highlighting the different
aspects of Haida culture and lifestyle. Explore the way of the Haida
people and learn about their traditional games, legends,
and their relationship with the environment.
Haida watercraft
Living Traditions,
your students will learn about the importance of the canoe and kayak
in North America. These vessels have a longstanding tradition and
were essential for Aboriginal peoples’ livelihood, travel and trade.
Eaters - Native Watercraft in Canada
Learn about a variety of traditional Native watercraft, including
the West Coast dugout canoes.
We also recommend:
From Indian
and Northern Affairs, download the information sheet Stories
the Totems Tell: Bringing Aboriginal Poles to Life, which is written
for children aged 8-11.
Material covered in the resources can be used in the classroom to
enhance students' understanding of the culture and traditions of the
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada. In particular, the material will assist
in achieving these learning outcomes:
- Understanding that people express their way of life through their
particular culture;
- Demonstrate awareness and appreciation of various Aboriginal cultures
in Canada;
- Demonstrate understanding of contributions of Aboriginal people
to Canadian society;
- Describe traditional technology used by Aboriginal people in Canada;
- Demonstrate understanding of Aboriginal people's relationship
with the land and natural resources;
- Describe the role of Canada's First Nations peoples in shaping
Canadian identity.