Discover Canada’s contribution in both world wars at the Virtual Museum of Canada. With a host of images, museum exhibits and games, the VMC is an excellent resource to find information about Canada’s contribution to World War I and World War II.
World War I
Log onto the VMC and discover the important role that Canada played in the First World War. The Image Gallery contains images of World War I relics. A more extensive assortment of images relating to World War I is available in the Community Memories section, as are a number of exhibits provided by regional museums throughout Canada. Click on A Mother’s War, and discover the impact on Canadian community life during the war, though diaries written by a mother awaiting her sons’ return from the battlefields in World War I.
Over The Top
The Canadian War Museum presents an opportunity for an interactive adventure: Over the Top! Students can discover what life was like in the trenches during the First World War, and make decisions that will determine their survival.
The Poster War Virtual Exhibit
What is a propaganda poster? What does it look like? What was its role in World War I? These questions and more are answered in this site created by the Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Democracy at War: Canadian Newspapers and the Second World War
Culled from more than 140,000 newspaper articles, this archive collection at the Canadian War Museum website paints a picture of the Second World War in a pre-TV, pre-Internet world.
Open Hearts - Closed Doors: The war orphans project
Activities, lesson plans and various educational resources offer teachers and their students at intermediate and secondary levels an opportunity to understand the history of Canadian immigration policies: past and present.
Museum of the regiments
Learn about several regiments and their participation in various wars. Testimonies, photographs, poems and texts provide many ways to explore the elements of war. Teachers from the third grade to secondary levels will find educational resources, lesson plans and material for the classroom. (available in English only)
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
This museum is the only one of its kind in the world that commemorates the courage of those who fought with the air force during the Second World War and who were trained by the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Discover the everyday lives of these soldiers. (available in English only)
The Macdonald Papers
The life of Bruce MacDonald is clearly detailed in this biography through his correspondence, photographs and narrative texts. Learn about the man who wore many professional hats: lawyer, judge, and lieutenant colonel.
H.M.C.S. Haida Historical Naval Ship
Visit this irreplaceable historic artefact, recognized by the Canadian Historic Sites and Monuments Board as the last of World War II tribal class destroyers. The ship represents a life style, however transient, of more than a generation of Canadians who served in Canada's Navy between 1943 and 1963. The thousands of men who sailed in Haida represented a cross section of Canadian society during that period. (available in English only)
View the online resources curated by the National Archives of Canada, including War Artists, War Diaries, and more...
The Memory Project allows one to discover a digital repository of stories submitted by students and veterans.
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