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Kids’ Online Games: Educational Games, Trivia Games and More!

Discover a variety of kids’ online games and activities at the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC)! Children and youth can log onto the Fun & Games section, developed by the VMC and its partners, and enjoy an assortment of online games for young people of all ages.

Educational Games
The Fun & Games section boasts a wealth of educational games and activities, and provides important guides and references for teachers, parents and students. Hop on the Adventure Train and learn about the history of Canada’s railway. Explore the wondrous world of butterflies, or go on a treasure hunt and play educational games designed to teach you new things about science, technology, nature, art and history. Other kids’ online games include Paleo Pursuit, which takes you on a virtual archeological dig, and Remembrances: Kitbag Challenges and More!, a selection of educational games dealing with Canadian history.

Trivia Games
Challenge yourself with the VMC’s trivia games. Play the Sign Me Up! quiz and find out how much you know about the rules and regulations used by hockey referees; or test your knowledge of the island that once served as an American commercial whaling colony in the 1890s with Explore Herschel Island.

Other Fun Online Games
The Fun & Games section also has a variety of kids’ online games and activities to entertain people of all ages for hours. Complete the Heritage Crossword and find out how well you know Canada’s significant inventors and inventions. Uncover your knowledge of railroad safety by playing Safe Trax. Enjoy other kids’ online games such as the classic Tic Tac Toe, featuring a pirate backdrop, and the card game, Memory. Discover SeasideLive: Marine Ecology and Related Issues, and enjoy fun activities and 3D animations with this virtual exploration of fish, the ocean, and the coastal marine environment of Atlantic Canada; or explore the virtual radar room and operate Second World War technologies from the H.M.C.S. Sackville naval ship!


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