Europäische Kommission
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Energeetika ja loodusvarad

  • 21/11/2006 - Teadusuuringud
    9 miljardit eurot stimuleerimaks tehnoloogia arengut Euroopas

    Helsingis 21.–23. novembril aset leidval infoühiskonna olulisemal tehnoloogiaalasel üritusel IST2006 esitletakse uusi tehnoloogiaid, värskemaid uuringutulemusi ja roboteid ning korraldatakse seminare.Edu jätkuvaks tagamiseks on EL teatanud 9 miljardi euro eraldamisest uute tehnoloogiate uurimisprogrammidele.
  • 16/11/2006 - Teadusuuringud
    Komisjon annab väljapaistvatele teadlastele Marie Curie auhinna

    Komisjon avaldab käesoleval aastal Marie Curie nimelise auhinna saanud viie teadlase nimed:Michal Lavidor, Frank Keppler, Chris Ewels, Nicolas Cerf ja Paola Borri.Kõik nad on ELi rahalise toega saavutanud väljapaistvaid tulemusi oma uurimisvaldkonnas.
  • 27/10/2006 - Teadusuuringud
    Commission puts plans for a European Institute of Technology on the table

    A proposal to set up a European Institute of Technology, to become operational in 2008, has been brought before the European Parliament and the Council. It is hoped that this institute could bridge Europe's innovation gap by translating its knowledge and research into commercial activities. The EIT would take the form of a two-tier structure bringing together a Governing Board to set the strategic priorities, and Knowledge and Innovation Communities to integrate innovation, research and education. The institute would receive both public and private funding of an estimated €2.4 billion for 2008-2013.
  • 29/09/2006 - Teadusuuringud
    Researchers' Night 2006 – food for thought

    Cutting-edge research came under the microscope on 22 September as science events were held all over Europe. The Researchers' Night for 2006 proposed a wide variety of activities in more than 20 European countries.
  • 02/06/2006
    ITER construction set to begin in 2007

    The EU and its 6 partner countries met in Brussels on 24 May to give the formal go-ahead to the construction of the world's largest experimental nuclear fusion reactor, ITER.
