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In The Works

Community Memories Exhibits

CHIN is proud to announce that the following exhibits are currently in development and will be available in the Virtual Museum of Canada in the near future.  These exhibits will provide visitors from around the world with unique insights into the values and experiences that have shaped our history.

Additional exhibits "In the Works" are available in French.

See also list of VMC Exhibits In the Works.



Alberta Beach & District Museum and Archives

All Aboard! Next Stop: Alberta Beach

Alberta Beach, AB

Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site

Coal Miner's Son; Coal Miner's Daughter

East Coulee, AB

Brooks and District Museum
Blanche Coultis: Pioneering Country Teacher
Brooks, AB

East Coulee School Museum

Building the Good Life in the Badlands

East Coulee, AB

Norwegian Laft Hus

Rediscovering the Norwegian - Canadian Connection

Red Deer, AB

Rocky Mountain House Museum

Henry Stelfox: Wanderer, Conservationist, and Friend

Rocky Mountain House, AB

Rundle's Mission Historic Site
Conservations with the Rev. Dr. Gerald Hutchinson : Church, Change and Mission
Thorsby, AB

Smithson International Truck Museum
The Smithson International Truck Museum
Rimbey, AB


British Columbia

Bamfield Community School Association
The Sinking of the Valencia: The Tragedy and Beyond
Bamfield, BC

Central Interior British Columbia Railway and Forestry Industry Museum
Our Community History: Photographic Memories
Prince George, BC

Craigflower Manor and Schoolhouse

Craigflower Manor's 150th Anniversary

Victoria, BC

Doukhobor Village Museum
The Doukhobors of Canada
Castlegar, BC

Haida Heritage and Repatriation Society

Haida Memories

Haida Gwaii, BC

Historic Hat Creek Ranch

Sagebrush, Steers and Saddlesores - Potraits of Southern Interior Cowboys

Cache Creek, BC

Historic Yale Museum

Haida Memories

Yale, BC

Kilby Store and Farm

Cracker Barrels and Jersey Cows (Kilby General Store & Farm)

Harrison Mills, BC

Langham Cultural Society - Japanese Canadian Museum
Aya's Story
Kaslo, BC

Log Cabin Museum and Archives
Pioneers of Saanich, British Columbia - Log Cabin Museum
Saanichton, BC

Maritime Heritage Society of Vancouver
Contributions to Commerce
Britannia Beach, BC

Mission Museum

Mission Farms & Farmers

Mission, BC

Revelstoke Museum and Archives
Getting There From Here
Revelstoke, BC

Secwepemc Museum and Heritage Park
Secwepemc History: The First 220 Years of Contact
Kamloops, BC

South Similkameen Museum

The Lower Similkameen: Progress through Diversity

Keremeos, BC

Valemount & Area Museum


Valemount, BC

White Rock Museum and Archives
On to White Rock: A Building's Journey Through Time
White Rock, BC



Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum

Training for Freedom

Brandon, MB

Costume Museum of Canada

Treasures from Trunks

Dugald, MB

Heritage North Museum
Thompson Pioneers: Looking Back
Thompson, MB

Living Prairie Museum
A Walk Through the Prairie Past - The History of the Living Prairie Museum
Winnipeg, MB

New Iceland Heritage Museum
Gimli: The Evolution of a Community
Gimli, MB

Sam Waller Museum
The Saskatchewan River - Highway Through History
The Pas, MB


New Brunswick

Atlantic Salmon Museum
Miramichi Memories - The River People
Doaktown, NB

Baptist Heritage Center
Atlantic Baptist Churches, Past and Present
Moncton, NB

Central New Brunswick Woodmen's Museum, Inc.
In their Very Own Words - Life in the Logging Camps
Boiestown, NB

Hiscock House Provincial Historic Site

The Hiscock House: The Tale of an Entrepreneurial Woman

Trinity, NB

Indian Bay Ecosystem Corporation

The Indian Bay Recreational Fishery - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Indian Bay, NB

Point Leamington Heritage Interpretation Centre

Point Leamington: The River

Point Leamington, NB

York Sunbury Museum
Historic Fredericton through the Eyes of Susan Squires
Fredericton, NB


Newfoundland and Labrador

Bonne Bay Archives
The Wonder of Water - The Movement of Buildings on Water and Ice
Woody Point, NL

Buchans Miners Museum
Buchans - History of Mining Town
Buchans, NL

Burin Heritage House Inc.
Tsunami 1929: The Silence of the Sea
Burin, NL

Dr. Henry N. Payne Community Museum
Cow Head - Taking Pride in Our Past!
Cow Head, NL

Hiscock House Provincial Historic Site

The Hiscock House: The Tale of an Entrepreneurial Woman

Trinity, NL

Indian Bay Ecosystem Corporation

The Indian Bay Recreational Fishery - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Indian Bay, NL

Millertown Museum
Millertown 1900 Men - Horses - Oxen - Steam

Millertown, NL

Milltown - Head Bay d'Espoir Museum
Tall Trees and More...
Milltown, NL

Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Community Services Archive and Museum
Busy Past, Bright Future:  Healthcare on Bell Island
St. John's, NL

Point Leamington Heritage Interpretation Centre

Point Leamington: The River

Point Leamington, NL

St. George's Heritage Museum
St. George's Heritage Church, Brigus
Brigus, NL

St. Lewis Heritage Museum
Fox Harbour Pinetree
St. Lewis, NL

The John N. Leamon Museum
Historical Homes of Brigus
Brigus, NL


Nova Scotia

Age of Sail Heritage Centre

Timbers to Tall Ships - Our Parrsborough Shore Heritage

Port Greville, NL

Fort Sackville Foundation
Growing up in Bedford 1914 - 1930
Bedford, NS

Hector Exhibit Centre
Wood & Stone; The Influence of Scottish Architecture on the People of Pictou
Pictou, NS

Malagash Area Heritage Museum
Malagash Rock Salt Mine
Malagash, NS

North Highlands Community Museum

Cape Breton's North Highlands: An Enduring Community

Dingwall, NS

O'Dell House Museum

Strolling Through the Centuries in Annapolis Royal

Annapolis Royal, NS

Whitney Pier Historical Museum

Whitney Pier: The Making of a Steel Community

Sydney, NS



Itsarnittakarvik: Inuit Heritage Centre (IHC)
Tuhaalruuqtut Ancestral Sounds
Baker Lake, NU

Kitikmeot Heritage Society
Bringing our Past into the Future
Cambridge Bay, NU



Art Gallery of Northumberland

Paul Kane’s Cobourg

Cobourg, ON

Bonnechere Museum

Number Please?

Eganville, ON

Cobalt Heritage Silver Trail
On the Trail of Silver
Cobalt, ON

Georgina Pioneer Village & Archives
Waiting for the Streetcar in Georgina
Keswick, ON

Haileybury Heritage Museum
The Great Fire of 1922: The Haileybury Fire
Haileybury, ON

Hutchison House Museum
Growing Up In Peterborough: A Century of Stories
Peterborough, ON

Iroquois Falls Pioneer Museum
People, Paper, Power and Trees
Iroquois Falls, ON

London Museum of Archaeology

Discovering London’s First Village

London, ON

Macaulay Heritage Park

Dutch Heritage in Prince Edward County
Picton, ON

Manido Chiman
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan Community
Golden Lake, ON

Massey Area Museum

The Hugh Commings Photography Collection - Then and Now Snap Shots

Massey, ON

Museum on the Boyne
Banting Homestead - It's the Best Place for a Kid!
Alliston, ON

Old Town Hall Museum

High Water Mark: Thamesville and the Great Flood of 1937

Thamesville, ON

Oshawa Community Museum and Archives

Stories from the Homefront: Oshawa During the Second World War

Oshawa, ON

Temiskaming Shores Public Library
Little Clay Belt Memories
New Liskeard, ON

Thunder Bay Military Museum
LSSR - 105 years of Service - June 2005
Thunder Bay, ON

Timber Village Museum
Milltown: The Lumbering Heritage of Blind River Ontario from 1853 to 2000
Blind River, ON

White Water Gallery

A Retrospective of Artists in North Bay and Surrounding Areas

North Bay, ON



Bay Chaleur Military Museum

Celebrating Gaspesia's Proud Military Tradition

New Richmond, QC

Cascapedia River Museum

The Cascapedia River - The Flow of Time

Cascapedia - St-Jules, QC

Centre historique des Soeurs de Notre-Dame du Bon-Conseil de Chicoutimi

In  the Footsteps of a Founder

Chicoutimi, QC

Colby Curtis Museum
The Colbys of Stanstead
Stanstead, QC

Telecommunications Museum

Evolution of Telecommunications

LaSalle, QC

Whiteley Museum

Catching Cod in Bonne Esperance; From the Cod Trap to the Cod Moratorium

St-Paul's River, QC



Assiniboia and District Historical Museum
Churches of South Central Saskatchewan
Assiniboia, SK

Lanigan & District Heritage Centre

100 Years of Transportation in Lanigan and District

Lanigan, SK



Yukon Transportation Museum
Above and Beyond - The Story of Yukon Bush Pilots and Early Aviation in the Yukon
Whitehorse, YT