ITA: The Right Skills - A Proven Advantage fill
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BC and Red Seal TRADES Programs
Industry Training Organizations
December 05, 2007
BC Launches New Industrial Electrician Apprenticeship Program

November 09, 2007
Minister Colin Hansen announces 10,000th employer of apprentices in BC

November, 2007
Commissioned by the ITA, this paper provides a stategy for developing alternative modes of delivery for trades training with the intent of increasing access for trainees and improving their success and completion rates. Based on this, a business plan will be developed for implementation beginning in April 2008.
View document (716KB pdf)

News Archives
Meeting BC's skilled training needs now and for the future


Welcome to the Industry Training Authority website. The ITA oversees B.C.'s industry training and apprenticeship system, providing a skilled workforce for industry and career development opportunities for British Columbians. We hope you will find this site a useful source of information on all aspects of apprenticeship and trades careers. Feedback or questions can be directed to us at

January 30, 2008


Customer Satisfaction and Stakeholder Engagement
The ITA will be conducting its annual Customer Satisfaction and Stakeholder Engagement telephone surveys during February and March. This research is being done on our behalf by Synovate. Your opinions are important to us, and will help us ensure that our customer services industry training programs meet your ongoing needs. If contacted, please take the time to complete all the survey questions. All individual responses are confidential.

Construction Sector Apprenticeship Completion Survey:
In addition, we are participating in a Federally-funded study of factors that contribute to the successful completion of construction apprenticeship programs.  Current apprentices, recently-certified journeypersons, employers, and non-completers in electrical, carpentry, and some finishing trades will be contacted and asked to complete a 10-minute telephone or on-line questionnaire.  Surveys will be conducted January through March of this year.

On behalf of the BC Labour Market Information Committee, the research firm, R.A. Malatest will randomly select participants from all regions of BC. All individual responses will be confidential.

If you are contacted to participate, please take a few minutes to answer the survey questions.  Participants will have their names entered into a $250 cash prize draw. 

Your answers to survey questions will help the Committee and the ITA to identify and develop strategies to minimize difficulties faced by apprentices and identify factors that contribute to the successful completion of apprenticeship programs.

January 28, 2008
go2 announces the launch of PROPEL, ITO for the tourism and hospitality industry

Propel image

Vancouver, B.C. – go2, the B.C. tourism industry’s human resource association, officially announced today the launch of PROPEL, a new division of go2. Read more...

January 28, 2008
BC Training Tax Credit - for Apprentices and Employers

Don't forget to claim your training tax credit when completing your income tax return. Effective January 1, 2007 British Columbia is offering tax credits to both apprentices and employers.

For more information call 1 888 663-7867 or go to

Sign-up for Employer and Industry Updates

If you are interested in receiving email updates and announcements from the ITA as they occur, please fill in and submit the following form.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Industry Training Authority Act and will be used to provide you with updates relating to the Industry Training Authority and its activities. Your contact information will not be shared with any other organizations or persons, and you will have the option of unsubscribing at any time. For more information on the collection and use of this information contact the ITA Director of Communications.

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