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The Canadian Committee
on Cataloguing

The Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC) is a national advisory committee on matters of cataloguing and bibliographic control. It also represents Canada on the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR (JSC).

Library and Archives Canada provides the permanent secretariat for the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing.

Terms of reference

  • To represent Canada as one of the authors of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules.

  • To serve as an advisory body to Library and Archives Canada on cataloguing policy and practice.

  • To formulate policy on questions concerning cataloguing and bibliographic control that are referred to the CCC by any of the organizations represented on the Committee.
  • To provide representative Canadian opinion on matters within its field of interest at international meetings and to related organizations, committees or groups outside Canada.



The voting membership of CCC consists of two representatives each from the following organizations. Each of these organizations determines the terms of office for its own representatives.

  • Canadian Library Association (CLA)
    represented by:
    • Ms. Christine Oliver;
    • Professor Lynne C. Howarth.

  • Association pour l'avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED)
    represented by:
    • M. Daniel Godon
    • and ... [To be named by ASTED].

  • Library and Archives Canada
    represented by:
    • Ms. Margaret Stewart;
    • Ms. Elizabeth McKeen.


In addition several non-voting consultant organizations provide expertise in special areas of activity. The following associations are represented on the CCC:

  • Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
    represented by Ms. Velma Parker.

  • Canadian Association for Information Science
    represented by Professor Grant Campbell.

  • Canadian Association of Law Libraries
    represented by Ms. Lenore Rapkin.

  • Canadian Association of Music Libraries
    represented by Mr. Daniel Paradis.

  • Canadian Association of Research Libraries
    represented by Ms. Mary Curran.

  • Canadian Council of Archives
    represented by Mr. Gerald Stone.

  • Canadian Council of Information Studies
    represented by Professor Grant Campbell.

  • Special Libraries Association. Eastern Canada Chapter
    represented by Mr. John Leide.

Additional consultants representing other Canadian associations may be considered for membership upon request.



The Chairperson of the CCC is elected from among its voting members for a (renewable) term of two years.

The current Chairperson is Ms. Christine Oliver.


For further information

The following information is also available on this Web site:


The Secretariat of the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing may be contacted at the following address:

Canadian Committee on Cataloguing
Standards, IMO
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4
Telefax: (819) 934-4388
E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca
